If Ant saw this episode of Tuesdays With Stories his head would fucking explode.

0  2015-10-31 by [deleted]



Your peckah game is weak.

I read the whole fucking thing knowing it was a shitty chip-roll...and no fucking payoff.

Can someone explain what there is to like about Joe List. He seems like a huge dullard from first impression but it seems like he gets a decent amount of love around here which is uncommon... I was watching him on LOS and he sucked all the air out of the room in a single passive aggressive sentence which was "Sorry to all the Tuesdays with Stories listeners checking this out who aren't used to all this racism" it was kind of cringey... a few LOS members did like an "Awwww" disappointed type of sound

Then on TACS he was flat as a pancake and not even trying to chip in once Norton came on, the other guy at least was trying to fit in but Joe seemed dead silent and awkward

I'm not getting a good vibe from this guy but I must have gotten a bad first impression?

"Sorry to all the Tuesdays with Stories listeners checking this out who aren't used to all this racism" it was kind of cringey... a few LOS members did like an "Awwww" disappointed type of sound

Soder does this on The Bonfire too. Jay will flippantly use the word "faggot" and Dan has to do 10 backflips and cartwheels to reign it in and "apologize" in bit form to anyone offended. "Whoaaa, that suddenly got really homophobic and wrong! haha!"

You sure he didn't say that "sorry about the racism" line as a joke? I didn't hear it, this is a real question. Tuesdays with Stories is one of the podcasts I'd be least likely to listen to around "polite society", they curse up a storm and don't seem to take anything as out of bounds. But I've only heard a handful of episodes.

I'm waiting for a video to upload on youtube so I have some time I'll see if I can find the timestamp you might know better than me. Joking wasn't the impression I got based on the LOS and kinda Mark's reaction (he looked at him like he was maybe slightly surprised Joe had just said that, or it just caught his attention for a moment.

I checkde out Tuesdays with Stories today and it made me more surprised he even said it because yeah, they seemed pretty uncensored and didn't come off as overly PC

Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FfgN8eR8p8&t=22m56s he was making rape jokes like 1-2 minutes before that part so I don't see how he could truly be upset with the racism, idk

edit.. then he makes a black joke like 30 seconds later haha

I'd take it as joking, but I have a dry sense of humor that gets misinterpreted as serious a lot.


That's the only episode I've started that I didn't finish. I've heard her stink up Race Wars too, so I should have known better than to try.

I knew it got way worse after I turned it off only because they mention in later episodes all the complaints they got.


Just stuck this on. This woman is black Opie. Completely uninteresting and baffling that she is allowed to talk into a microphone. All she needs is bigger tits.

I'd take it as joking, but I have a dry sense of humor that gets misinterpreted as serious a lot.