Update from lady di's son

35  2015-10-30 by Dennyislife


I always hoped this young man would seek revenge on Opie for the years of abuse he delivered to his alcoholic mother. Something in the style of a Mark David Chapman would suit me fine.

I feel more pity for that kid than I do for Opie's kids.

Opie has kids?

I thought he just babysat for Bam occasionally.

Yeah I asked him if I could share this post and he said yes but doesn't want Opie Jim and Anthony to know....

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

No no no I don't live in a tree

Right, sure. We can keep a secret.

PS. Fugazi

I'll keep it under my hat.

It would play something like the last scene in "Boardwalk Empire"

Which episode and which season?


Last episode / last season

I hope this kid goes Bernie Goetz on Opie's ass!

You can imagine a world in which this guy doesn't hate his mother too?

Who else was expecting a "fuckin' peckahs" at the end?

Jesus this isn't even funny anymore

That's because we can't hear Di talk about it. It'd probably be pretty fucking funny if we did.

Yeah good point

No Anthony I'm not on the streets last night I just took a long walk and sat down awhile with a refreshing beverage.

" oooo nooooo, so what about my own show ive been hearing about?"

Nope. It sure wasn't.



Yup, I knew it, I talked with her last night to see how she was doing and about 20 minutes after our conversation she texted me saying "Bill, where are you? I'm waiting for you outside the hotel in Westfield" Shes gonna be one of those crazy homeless people this time around

That's really pathetic and sad, but it's times like these we need to remember she was a true piece if shit her entire life and it's like watching Junior Soprano at the end of the show.

Livia Soprano too. She made it impossible to have a single shred of sympathy for her.

"Bill, where are you? I'm waiting for you outside the hotel in Westfield"

God damn.

Maybe this is one of the reasons Mr. professional addict Norton never liked to have her on air. To look at the moron across from him exploit and abuse Di's problems must have eaten away at him, especially considering Opie's own mental issues.

I am trying so hard to get sober because of Lady Di, what a mess

i was drunk when her son got back to me. A real wtf am i doing moment

update from lady di's armchair reddit doctor (martini steve):

Korsakoff syndrome is a chronic memory disorder caused by severe deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B-1). Korsakoff syndrome is most commonly caused by alcohol misuse, but certain other conditions also can cause the syndrome.

Those with Korsakoff syndrome may "confabulate," or make up, information they can't remember. They are not "lying" but may actually believe their invented explanations.



Huh. So she's finally gone crazy?

Well alcohol withdrawal can actually be worse than heroin depending on how big of a booze-bag you are (she ranked up there). Sometimes hospitals will actually put you in sort of a medicated coma for a few days while you dry out. So she's probably either doped up, or just delusional from lack of booze.

Alcohol withdrawal is a million times worse than heroin. You won't die from heroin withdrawal. You can very easily die from alcohol withdrawal. The drugs that people see as not so bad (alcohol and valium) are the drugs that can most easily kill you from going thru withdrawal because of your body's physical dependency on the drug. Heroin doesn't do that to you. You will be extremely uncomfortable and you'll wish you were dead but you won't get that mercy.

Yep, when she did the intern bit it was a clinic in DT from "NATTY ICE" withdrawals. The things that were going on with here like cough, shitting and puking WITH the cough was scary real and typical withdrawal. It was sad as shit! I wasn't even mad at all at the boys for clowning because well... That's (was) out show and how it worked but I literally and honestly thought she may die. Her body was SO dependent on alcohol at that point. The constant 24 hour slow drip of rotgut beer she drinks showed that her tank needed to be topped off constantly. Those 4 hour days off not having it was very dangerous. I wish her swollen ass good luck

When I first heard her 'internship' a lot of her symptoms sounded really similar to withdrawal from heavy opiate use, especially the runny nose, watery eyes and diarrhea. I never knew those were also alcohol WD symptoms

I don't know about opium but she has admitted to using cocaine.

Yup, if I remember correctly -- and I think Dr. Steve once even said this on the show -- that really the only two "drugs" that can kill you from withdrawal are alcohol and benzos.

Yeah, well, Sick Boy's always been lacking in moral fiber.

Well that's why I said "can" if you drink a 6 pack a night for a couple years then quit cold turkey you'll feel pretty shitty and be a miserable prick for a few days. If you drink ALL day, every day for 20-30 years going cold turkey can be potentially fatal. Obviously she's the latter


Yup. Alcohol detox can be scary shit, that's why it's done under medical supervision and you're usually doped up for it.

That's true. I wonder how she ended up in the hospital. Surely she would t have gone on her own...maybe she was committed?

She was hallucinating and stuck in he bathroom by a dog she claimed she could see. Really.

Oh, super. I miss Bill. He would give us the good scoop on her nonsense.

Bill had one of the funniest lines I've heard on O&A, "Yeah, well, a lot of them have dreadlocks!"

I don't mean to tell tales out of school, but Bill was not a fan of race mixing

Hahahaha Bill was the man!

Sounds like the DTs but from what I understand if you don't wind up dying you don't remember ever going thru it so at least there is that.

She was mixing medication with alcohol, wasnt she?

Or shes still drinking and her proverbial cheese has slipped totally off her cracker

Rest in peace you beautiful butterfly. God loves you.

This is probably the first time I've ever legitimately felt bad for that fat crack smoking pig.

Can't tell if I'm being downvoted for feeling bad for her, or for calling her a fat crack smoker.

Why not both?

This is fake, right?



I dont think you need to have power of atty to pay someone's rent and/or phone bill. I can understand him seeking to get it if she is mentally incompetent, but unless for some reason she refuses to take money from him, then he doesn't need POA to turn her phone back on or pay her rent. He's just gotta write the landlord and phone company a couple of checks.

He posted a video online early october and it sounds as if she lost her mind then and it hasn't come back.

got a link?

Yes but no I won't share. He has enough shit to deal with without this reddit going after him

I wouldnt be a dick to him but whatever

wait, i'm lost, so what exactly happened with di? based on what her son says it seems like something is really really wrong with her, kind of like dementia or something

Uh oh your going the same way as the Queen of our hearts lady di

Time to die, piggo

I was hoping she was dead :(

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Right, sure. We can keep a secret.

PS. Fugazi

I'll keep it under my hat.

got a link?

Yes but no I won't share. He has enough shit to deal with without this reddit going after him