Sidebar Update Suggestion

30  2015-10-30 by spc1979

Can we remove the "Roland" Twitter account - its suspended - and replace with Bald Opie?


All BaldOpieRaqio creations should be in the sidebar pic rotation.

Can we update the sidebar with the 100 or so new goddamn photoshops that are floating around this sub the past few months? God.

Mods are lazy. Come on guys.

I've direct messaged two different mods several times and nobody will change anything, even though I sent a link to album with pics edited to size.

No no, you need to gently guide their fingers over their trackpad and upload the photos for them.

Bald Opie is a relentlessly good egg, and proof that unemployment needn't be an unproductive, total waste of time.

Can we remove Roland from life?

With his eating habits and sloppy disregard for his body, he will do himself in.

I concur.

Bald Opie in the sidebar mods please?

Maybe throw in some of his pictures, the picture mod is getting fucking lazy.

Is that Tony Romo with a retard? Its really funny

I would like to see all the baldopie photos, along with some of the cumia photoshops like the "wop mop"

Can we get a synopsis of what happened to Roland's twitter

One of the mods is lady trucker so no surprise why they are lazy as fuck.