A reminder: Keith the ex-cop thought he could do what the movie and music industry couldn't, stop piracy

26  2015-10-30 by KasWheel

Something about sending letters to downloaders lol.


Anthony beat piracy of TACS by making it so terrible no one even wants to steal it anymore.

Hes trying to make it so close to fox news their lawyers will just pick up the slack.

True, and brilliant.

I can't imagine more than 20 people are pirating the show. Who gives a shit?

The site everyone gets it from shows the numbahs.

400 people will snatch a TACS if Jim is on it. About 200 people take the average episode, but a bunch of files are hovering at around 10 downloads. That might not really signify anything, but...

Gavin's show consistently attracts about 200 cheap-ass fans, too. The Skanks draw about half that many, but a few of their episodes are up in the 200 range.

One properly drafted, individualized C&D from a real lawyer would cost Anthony more than all the piracy his network experiences annually—if you assume that all those people would pay, which none of them would. Keith can't "send letters" to anybody, so presumably that's what he's doing, picking people out and flushing piles of Anthony's money in their names.

Looks like pure waste, but I suppose you can't keep a goon around and not give him some goon shit to do.

Interesting. What sort of piracy numbers are other paywall podcasts getting? Or Stern?

I'm trying to think of any other big paywall podcasts besides Marc Maron. Is Corolla sub based?

Nope, Corollas is free.

No one, making his energy toward it even more pointless. I was mainly amused at Keiths delusions of grandeur.


I thought you were talking about him taking down early TACS clips the fans were putting up online. Funny how that SNL clip caught fire for whatever reason and got hundreds of thousands of views out of the blue....and that idiot was taking the free marketing and deleting them last year.

No one took him seriously when he was a cop either. Same with his wife and kids. No one respects that half a man with a sad dick.

No reason to bring Bobo into this. His team is doing so well lately, too.

No he didn't say sad man with half a dick, he said half a man with a sad dick.

Didn't Anthony used to brag that he pirated movies

Don't forget that Brother Joe was in on it too. Someone brought the TACS torrents to his attention and he responded with something like "We know, the FBI is on it right now." I imagine the fed took some of their best guys from counter-terrorism and put them on the Cumia case.

Quite possibly one of the gayest moments in O&A history. Joe is my least favorite person ever involved in the show(s)

They're back-tracing as we speak

The cyber-police are gonna coming down on those 3 seeders like a TON of bricks.

Consequences will never be the same.

The FBI? I'm surprise Bro Joe didn't get his Sons of Anarchy connection on the case.

Makes me glad I don't pay for that shit anymore.

Fuck that stupid pig.

I'll never stop laughing because they never fixed a security hole that was reported to them. You can download all their shows for free direct from the source.

Haha really? Whats the issue.

Keith is a functioning illiterate who has managed to plant himself into TWO civil service jobs while sucking Anthony's tit as well. Meanwhile, he can barely produce a written sentence. Whatever Keith's cut is, Ant should use it to pay some young media Jew bitch to book the fucking show properly.

Argh, ahoy mateys

Did he talk about this/ someone get a letter?

I've been signed up to the show since the beginning. But sometimes it's easier to download an episode off of Pirate Bay (my homepage) than to go log in, get my password wrong and get angry on the website.

When was this bought up? Did he talk about it on TACS or Twitter?

Where would one find a link to these pirated vids?

Pirate bay.