Bonnie's got some competition

2  2015-10-28 by [deleted]



Dude, tapped out at 45 seconds... I'd fuck her on that couch though, know what I mean Bro Montana?

What, no ones got my back?.. You know what I mean right, Bro J Simpson?

Brose Conseco?

Sad part is my best friend and I actually text like that back and forth, totally not serious, it's actually like a competition, we've exhausted like all possible Bro/dude names, KC and BroBro, Dude Law, Bro Namath

You and your friend are both peckah sucking bromosexuals

Dude, without a doubt Nabrolean Bronapart

I hope you pull an R. Bro Dwyer.

See, you strayed from the format... I'll consider a revolver suicide but please try again?

You're a Bromosexual?

She has Anthony's old hair.

And outfit.

That is what I originally typed. Creep.

That is one off-putting voice. Would probably take some getting used to

Yeah, I'm not going to listen to this because she's really cute and I don't want to spoil her for myself.

Joan Ballsack

Bonnie will always win the battle of my cum.

We should draw a heart with our collective cum and take a picture and send it to her and maybe she'll notice us.

That is what I originally typed. Creep.

I hope you pull an R. Bro Dwyer.

You and your friend are both peckah sucking bromosexuals