Have any of you guys tried stand up comedy?

6  2015-10-28 by beverlyhillsjobber

Seeing as you're all O&A fans that means you guys are big fans of comedy so have any of you guys ever tried it yourselves to see what it's like

or on the flip side have you guys always dreamed of trying it?


I did once. Leveled the room with laughs. It was so easy that I got bored and quit.

I was there. We all blew him afterwards and showered him with praise.

Dude you killed that set, Luis J CK was supposed to headline but he wouldn't even go on stage, I think like 2 people actually died

I've done it a few times. Just open mic nights.

It's an odd experience that I'm still trying to figure out. I've done a ton of public speaking in my life, but when it comes to stand up you need to have enormous confidence in what you're saying, even when the audience isn't with you. I remember trying to prepare comebacks for hecklers because I thought they would be my biggest problem, but the real killer is when you feel the audience is indifferent to what you're saying. When you get that vibe, it can drain the life out of you. I've felt my voice getting smaller and faster trying to get to the next set up or punchline, searching for any change in the audience, even if it's booing.

I've been a tour guide and volunteered for public radio service, and nothing hits me harder like screwing up while doing stand up. Creating even five solid minutes of material is hard, but there is simply no instruction manual for managing it for a neutral-to-uncaring audience. You just have to eat it a few times and learn the room.

I've seen a lot of hack comedians, but I still admire them because it takes balls to get up there. Some of them are so confident that the audience will laugh at jokes most of us would see a mile away. It's an amazing world, but it's probably one I'll only be a supporter in. I fit in better with podcasting and radio a lot more, and I have more fun there as well. If anyone here is interested in doing stand up, do it! Even when I did badly, I still had a good time. Just go big and try not to care about the audience too much.

I'm not looking for an actual human response with insight and real emotions you fuck. This isn't your fucking journal. Write about tits or peckaz in the future.

No offense

midway thru feeling those feelings I was hoping for a 'peckaz' so I could suppress them with a laugh.

I didn't do stand up but I worked a few jokes into the best man toast I gave at a wedding and the crowd was HOWLING!

I know /u/weirdfellas has.



What happened to him?

Won't see him no more.


he tried to scam amazon and got fucked in the ass

Where's the story for this? How did I miss it?

He's still one of Anthony's daily lapdogs on twitter, but here's one of the threads that chased him off reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/opieandanthony/comments/3pzoz6/you_guys_see_that_weirdfellas_thread_where_he_is/

What was his instagram? I think I followed him.

It happened 2 days ago pretty swiftly. You're not far behind.

Gave it a shot, handful of sets, didn't think it was ever going to work, bailed. Never even bombed (though eventually I would have, hard). Material was good enough to coast on when the crowd was all comics and open-mic people, but I wasn't making a strong connection and I felt like an asshole, especially when they laughed. I couldn't earn it.

There's a level of physical stage command you need to make a real comedy crowd buy in and listen to you talk shit, and I wasn't ever going to have it. Confidence was no problem; I've been on stages since I was a kid, playing music for mostly hateful crowds. But I don't look or sound or move like any of our favorite broodl comedians do, and I talk pretty much like them. That really doesn't work. You need to be that guy—at least a little. Even fucking DeRosa has enough "it" to pass off his garbage. I don't have any, and the right jokes don't make up for being the wrong guy.

And I didn't want to ironize or "play with that," do male Silverman, like "I can't believe that cute gay professor guy said [horrible thing] in that cute gay professor voice!"

And I couldn't go "alt" because in that scene you couldn't say anything I'd want to say. My few friends in the business were all on that side of it, and the invitation was always open, but I knew.


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Fawk yeah, I was like peckahs!!! Fawkin placee was rOllan

I have lots of dreams that never came true :(

I've been trying my hand at it for the last year and a half. It's a really difficult business to get into. You have to know a lot of other comedians in order to feel comfortable at any club you are going to regular I'm actually a pretty shy guy in real life, but a lot of my friends told me that I might be pretty good at it. I listened to bill burr a lot and I always heard about him just going to stand ups after watching years of bad comedians. I figure it's pretty much the same thing now, so I went to and gave my hand at it. The first night I went up there I absolutely bombed, but I saw some alt hack go up and get laughs. I knew I was funnier then him, so I figured I would keep trying until I could at least get more laughs then a guy that was shitting on Bush in 2014. After a few more bombed sets I finally was getting some decent sets in. Then I started to get decent gigs and was in the same clubs as some higher profile names. Bob Kelly was actually watching me one night. It was fucking ridiculously nerve wrecking. He came up to me after the set and started pulling my long hard pecka and it was so fawkin big. He was like that peckas so fukin heavy. But it really is a hard business. If you don't think you have the stomach for it, I don't know that I would try it without taking at least some public speaking classes first

I did a 5 min set once, came in under prepared and drank to calm my nerves. Forgot my set 3 mins in and bombed spectacularly. It ended with me acknowledging the light telling me to get off and walking through the crowd back to my seat in silence.

It was one of the worst feelings, planning on trying again soon.

I'd like to try, but I've already seen other stand up comics perform and I know I would be influenced by them, so I'd rather not do it at all.

yes, been doing it for over 2 years. It really puts validity to the saying "put in 10,000 hours before you consider yourself an expert." I would advise to always record and listen to your sets, otherwise you could spin your wheels on working the wrong side of a topic or joke. I've had a handful of booked shows, and still am not satisfied with my material.

It is terrifying until you start getting some laughs. If you are able to calm yourself and remember half your material you have a 90% chance of being able to make a decent living even if nothing you say is funny. So few people try it and even fewer are able to get past a minute of bombing that just the ability to consistently take up stage time is enough to get booked at clubs if you dedicate yourself. Some owners prefer to have a few guys they know will bomb in front of the ones they want to promote to make them look better.

It's kind of like boxing, the whole night needs to be filled but you don't want your audience worn out by the main event. Someone has to get knocked out, the crowd usually respects the guy on the canvas enough for getting in the ring for their entertainment and it showcases the talent of your promoted star.

Many nights a crowd will be happy going home saying that headliner was ok, but holy shit how bad was the guy that went on before him. They feel better about being able to make their friends laugh after a professional just failed to. There is value in that.

where do you live? the "So few people try it and even fewer are able to get past a minute of bombing" was really surprising. in vegas, it's a non stop parade of unfunny people trying it and they show up a lot. some for 20 years. it's rather pathetic. I have the complete opposite view: everyone thinks they're a comedian, and theyre more than happy to do open mic....all the fuckin time

Chicago. I think what I was really trying to say was that there are only a small amount of people who make comedy their full time life pursuit. Many people go to open mics and local places a lot, but few of them are able to fully commit to the lifestyle of a comic. The travel, shit money, different audiences, materiel changes, are just part of the job. Dealing with agents, promoters, club owners, other comics and critics are a totally different required skillset. It's a fucking carny business and you have to be able to navigate all that while still keeping yourself reliable, likeable and trustworthy. So much more goes into it off stage that many times being on stage is the easiest part.

This thinking of stand up as some sacred art that is the only deciding thing that can make someone funny is complete horse shit. Theres plenty of funny people who act and write whod never do stand up its not the be all end all to being funny

I thought you still had - as you said - "at least three more piles of Jew ash to sweep up", Joe.

I gave a killer best man speech at a wedding once.

I was nervous as shit, but I did ok. Mostly off the cuff, but delivered in a roast style, I went around the room and shit on people.

It is easier in a room of people you know who is not hostile. I couldn't do what these guys do.

It wasn't killer. You threw up in the bride's bouquet and masturbated in the corner while petting an invisible cat. Not sure how you think that was quality comedy.

How is that not killing?

...The cat was real, what do you think I was masturbating to?

I got alot of laughs, fuck you .

This must be the wife who won't let me near the kids.

Always with the excuses.

Im a working comedian. I have an adult ventriloquist act like Otto and George.

Yes, kill me.

I did I basically sucked, it was interesting to hang out with "comedians" and I was thinking I would meet some awesome people. First thing I started o notice was that many of the "comedians" were not funny people...they were sometimes kind of intense/driven but as people I thought they were kind of lame/unfunny. I found people I knew in life were a million times funnier but they were just lazy ass people into music and movies and had no desire to be comedians.

I've tried stand up comedy and after five minutes of being up there I couldn't wait to sit down! Heeeeyyy

If only Weirdfellas hadn't been chased away he could give us an earful!

If he's already made a new account, he definitely could not resist posting in this thread.

I'm a regular at my local open mic night. Even thought I don't think I'l ever get discovered I have a lot of fun. As bad as it sounds it makes me have a lot of respect for people, even Sherrod. What they do, they really are masters out. I have a youtube channel if you guys are interested I can link it through PM's. Also, looking to start a fan podcast if anyone is interested. Not a Opie hate fest though, but thats not to say we wouldn't bash him now and then.

I did it for a summer, but had to quit when I went back to classes. I ended up getting involved in theater productions for the next few summers and now I'm aiming to start back up when I graduate with a lot of ideas that I've been gathering up since I stopped.

From all indications, I wasn't terrible. I remember telling people at open mics that I had just started that summer and getting a general reaction of surprise. I wouldn't say I ever killed, but I had good sets more than I had bad. Once I had my first bad set, the other bad sets really weren't that bad. Slightly embarrassing, but a part of a thing that I was falling in love with doing.

Yes, it's incredibly tough. Heres what its like: take about a month or 2 to write down every single funny thought youve ever had in your life. Bring that to an open mic. After that mic youll realize you may have a good premise or 2 but youll need to burn 95% of the "material" you thought was funny. Its not funny. Trust me. If you keep going back and keep writing EVERY DAY you may have a shot at not being terrible. Dont think about being famous, you wont be. Set an attainable goal like "get paid to do comedy" even if you end up losing money on gas and transport to a gig, actually getting paid for doing it is great. Nothing is funnier than a first timer coming amd saying "Oh yeah, so how do i go about getting gigs, i plan on moving to NY within a year" shut the fuck up, you know nothing.

Open mics are tough, too. Theyre filled with jaded open micers who are more worried about their own sets and notes than to actually support whos on stage. If you actually ARE good your first time out (I havent seen anyone yet) you most likely wont know, because your not performing infront of a crowd wanting to laugh. The biggest open mic ive done has been about 100 people. 40 or so comics and the random 20 people they bring with them, the 20 barflys who go to the bar to get shitfaced and watch sports and the 10/15 barstaff who absolutely despise aspiring comedians because we are an annoying bunch. It was a dead silent room.

Ill say the same thing to anyone wanting to try it that everyone at AA tells lil' Yimmy. Just keep going. Its the only way itll work out.

I did it a few times in college. Thinking about doing an open mic.


Ive thought about it. There's some good open mics in Houston but 1 I'm terrified of public speaking and 2 I don't think I'm that funny. I do have a few jokes though I'd like to try if I ever work up the nerve to try it.

I've dreamed of it, literally. But that's it. I think that's one of the reasons I admire good comics. It seems bruuuuuutal.



Yeah. I'd want to do it more if the club was a lot closer to me. Ever get that feeling of killing and bombing at the same time? I think I got that in my first set.

Over under on how many of these comments are lies. I'll set it at 6

I don't have the balls for it.

There's like one well-known comic here and he's one of those super generic dicks whose act is no different from just getting on stage and reading from a joke book. There's just no comedy scene. I'd definitely like to try if I ever move to a bigger city though.

I'm enough of a fan of stand-up comedy to know for damn sure I belong nowhere near it.

Honestly it's never crossed my mind. I'm too cynical and not at all likable. The 'angry comic' routine only works if it comes from a real place, but it's starting to become hack.

Yeah a couple months ago on mushrooms with an audience of 3, I killed.

I have. I'm a novice, though. Last night was my 5th or 6th time. You can watch the video here (WARNING: My act contains a few local references - still less than Todd, though. And I apologize in advance for my looks/jokes. I'm not pretty, and I'm not Pryor). Here it is: http://youtu.be/aINBcwdoRTQ


Worldstarrrr niggggguhhhh


What happened to him?