Chip riffin in LA

58  2015-10-28 by redtheftauto



I love how Johnny BM seems genuinely annoyed.

Oh, he obviously loathes Chippah.

For a second there I thought that was Kevin Pollak

Look at the fuckin shoooooooos

why is yimmy so obsessed with hats?

Because he has a misshapen skull that people would immediately assume he was wearing his hat to hide whenever he would take it off, so he resents people with normal heads who don't have that issue.

Same with how he rails against milk drinkers because he's lactose intolerant.

He put this Carlin quote on the otherwise blank first page of his book. I have a feeling he just always thought it was a brilliant line.

"Bad hair day. Where did this shit come from? What a superficial culture. Put on a hat and go to work, you shallow Cunt!"

Is LA that ugly IRL? Or did they only visit strip malls and construction sites? It looks like nobody planned it at all.

Nobody planned it at all. The population exploded after the war and everybody wanted a single family home with a yard and a view so it just kept expanding.

Did it?

Yes, yes it did. You see what happened was the elimination of Japan as the dominant naval power in the Pacific allowed the U.S. to become a true world economy with the ability to control their valuable shipping lanes on both coasts and safely facilitate trade around the globe. This required a new labor force on the west coast and with waves of inexpensive labor flooding to the east from Europe, Los Angeles was able to offer higher paying employment to skilled veterans who no longer felt the need to live in dense cities and were eager to move west where the climate was more desireable and land was widely available thanks to the fancy new expressways. The American Dream was achieved and life was good. Then Kennedy told the blacks about it. That's why everything looks like it was built in 1962.

Goddamned Kennedys... always fucking it up for the white man.

Well of course. That is why they had to be eliminated. Notice where the second one got peaced.

How relieved was Johnathan when Jimmy fired him?

How fucking exhausting must Chip be in real life? Must just drive people up the wall. Why is this so entertaining?

Chip was so much funnier in 2012 perhaps even earlier?

Fucking lame. Like everything this pussy does.

What a cool dude this is.

We got a real badass over here. Look out.

Edgy. Fuckface.

get AIDS