I am BaldOpie AMA

0  2015-10-28 by [deleted]


You sir, are NOT BaldOpie....Arent you that guy that has the weird obsession with Ari Shaffir?

Hi Opie!

Need advice! (self.weightlifting)

submitted 1 month ago by MogadishuSomalia

I'm from Mogadishu, Somalia I just turned 13 and need advice on how to begin weight lifting. There aren't any gyms around me and my family is extremely poor. Any help is much appreciated, Thankyou!

/u/MogadishuSomalia, master troll. I tip my fedora to you, sir.

Is your cock and balls area bald?

Is your cock and balls area bald?

Thats Benjamins latest fucking sock. Ignore this fuck.

I think it's flappo, the psychopath with a homoerotic obsssion with Joe Rogan.

Are you bald?

No you're not.

What's wrong with being bald?

Hi Anthony.