"People that blatantly lie"

0  2015-10-28 by Really_Big_Dummy



Roland shit stirring... Sam pissed about having to move to 9pm... E-Rock saying he runs the channel... Opie saying the Stangel's didn't have to be on air personalities... Management over promising and under delivering

I am sensing hatred between the fat Stangel and Erock. Erock made a comment (which didn't seem in jest) on his show last week about how he "runs the channel." Then, the other morning, the fat Stangel had a slew of comments about it...

They came in, and thought they could bully Eric in real life. Big mistake, he is good natured and plays a role of happy go lucky, but that kid has fangs, he was born in a pressure cooker.

Pretty cool, huh?

The way Opie said "be careful" is telling.


Obviously either Opie or the Jews in management.