No tweets from Opie today

7  2015-10-27 by sharklasagna

No twitter activity at all. Speculate.


But what about the Funny MoFo's??? How will I ever get thru my day now?

ME:"(Sniff) Its on some preSet automated tweeting thing, I didn't even know it was called that.Is it really called MoFo's?(burp).."

Funny Mofos had a story shared from Anthony Cumia today too..

They have an Anthony Cumia story about 3 times a week... I used to call Opie out on it everyday until he blocked me

He's meticulously crafting his next tweet.

After justin's hissy fit on the air he is refusing to write Opie's tweets for him.

Working on the next Harry Hater video?

No tweets…yet!

Hopefully an Opie/Stangel murder suicide sort of situation.

He's got kids mahhnnn

He's trying to put out the Stangel Fire.

Everyone knows grease fires are the hardest to stop.

Speculate: Tits choked to death on a too-tight bra

Maybe he just blocked you, like he's blocked everyone else.

Powerfucking his wife.
