Stangels Instagram is now private. Let's focus these last 2 days on the "Hi Opie!" guy.

8  2015-10-27 by smokinswindler


I'll pass he seems like a school shooter to me

I'm thinking he's more of a Mark David Chapman. Hoping he flys out to NYC to get Gregg to sign his copy of "demented world".

Let's hope it ends the same way.

That was the joke.

Too bad he's not a radio station shooter

I'd quite like to know what that guy's end game actually is...

Heart attack or colon cancer.

lmao, he's such a weirdo

Crazy people rarely have an end game. I was fed up with him one day, and told him to cut it out. He just told me to stop being a little bitch. Kinda respected him after that.

I think a lot of people are going to have anthrax mailed to them if we go after him. He legitimately seems insane.

I've seen the Hi Opie guy mentioned a few times but have no idea who he is. Can you fill me in?

Look at any Opieradio tweet replies.

He still just writes "hi Opie"?