The cringiest video on the internet: Feminist/Vegan Comedian Jaimie Kilstein's anti-catcalling song

36  2015-10-27 by GRIZx


I'm cringing at the title alone. I don't think I can click it.

I cant do it, I'll take OP's word for it

Oh, it's fucking brutal. The premise is flawed, because men would love it if random chicks on the street came up to us and asked to fuck us.

Cat-calling in a way that's like "Hey, nice ass" is inappropriate and i cant imagine it being successful. I could see how that would be annoying to a woman, I personally would love it. What is the end game? Should men not approach women ever, because traditionally that's just how it works. Some men just do it a more tactful way to girls somewhere in their league. I just don't get it

"look at you in those pants"

I need the clip of Louis imitating Patrice's cat-calls

"Hey, nice ass"

Yeah, but has this even happened since 1981? I've literally never seen/heard a guy cat-call a girl like using vulgar language. It's usually something nice or a whistle or a honk of the horn. Nothing a rational adult woman can't handle.

I've worked in construction for 5 years and I've never heard anyone say anything close to what's being suggested in this video.

What is funny is someone actually did try to flip the pages on men and the majority of them enjoyed it.


Of course you don't get it, you cisgendered shitlord.

I just fell down a bottomless pit of cringe and despair by checking his Twitter feed.

I just checked his Twitter feed & 29mins ago he instagramsd his vegan meal with vegan hashtags. What a chode


2015-10-27 21:34 UTC

Post show meal in Orlando. So. God. Damn. Good. #tour #music #vegan #whatveganseat #veganfood…

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2015-10-27 18:49 UTC

"I don't think rape jokes are funny"


"I'm a woman and I wanted to voice concern ....."


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In what world is he providing "social commentary"? It seems like his own sadistic fantasy world where woman are oppressed and only he can save them with his "enlightened" Twitter feed. ugh he's fucking delusional

You mean you don't enjoy a good feminist/vegan comedian?


Big Jay and Metzger have trashed this White Knight faggot alot on both LOS and RW, but this video takes the douchieness to some next level cringey shit. Its fucking appalling what some men will do for some of that smelly hairy hipster pussy.

I've never heard Big Jay trash him. Do you know which episodes?

Kilstein is just embarrassing on every level, he's failed at everything he's ever tried to do and he needs to beg for money to keep his podcast going.

They don't really trash him so much as bring his name up as an example of a completely agenda-driven liberal comic.

I'm usually fucked up when I watch LOS, I wish I could remember, BUT i do remember Jay bringing his name up and shitting on him for turning into a hackey feminist guitar/comedian act.

That's giving him too much credit. He could only be considered a guitar act if he actually played guitar.

They trashed him again on tonight's LOS

Does anyone else get the vibe that this guy is suppressing some really dark, reprehensible urges? Why else would someone be this into basing his entire existence on feminism and how rape is worse than murder and such. I have a feeling we'll be reading about him in the news sooner or later.

Interestingly enough just yesterday a rather prominent feminist/SJW from youtube who spent his time preaching about how awful men were, how great women were, how amazing feminism was, and trying to get people fired from their jobs was just outed as a pedophile.

Male feminists are like the men who went into the church to fuck little boys.


He goes by the name HannibalTheVictor13 on youtube. A few people have made videos about it.

Maybe, but I see it more as a guy who was never taught to be a man, and immersed himself in a culture that demonized mascunity. Probably the type of guy who proudly dislikes sports and goes to the gym from time to time but "doesn't want to get too big and look like a frat douche chad amirite?"

These guys were fed the lie that manliness/confidence is ugly to good girls, and that sensitivity and emotional intelligence will get your Dick licked. He'll either man up, end up in the paper as you said, or go down swinging thinking that learning the goofy rhetoric and being constantly submissive and self-ashamed will get him pussy

I took this from my male privilege video I did last year, we made it longer and put some sexy music behind it.

Fucking. Ew.

The band playing looks exactly like you'd imagine.

They're at the forefront of a new genre called betacoustics.

This guy and Rogan had a pretty aggressive debate about Kilstein twittering shit about Daniel Tosh when he made a 'rape joke'. Rogan had a Patrice Oneal on Fox News-esque stance on it and went at it with the guy. He is clearly an SJW comic. Rogan was awesome during this

this guy clearly loves it in the shitter

Well he has a feminist wife that probably likes strap on play but I get it

A wife? what a faggot She's a real looker too

She has all the warmth of a desiccated medical cadaver. I bet if you spread her labia, beetles will crawl out

Got that fez voice and that fez BH

I literally made it ten seconds in. I don't get why Jay or Dave defend this guy at all. Even if this is some act he is putting on, it sucks.

wow, reminded me why I like Joe, thanks

I like how that user Don Morgan is threatening to doxx people who don't like the video.

I have a feeling its either one of the band members or jaimie himself, the account was made a week ago.

I reported the video. You know, just for safety's sake.

Yeah that was my first thought too. I'd suspect it's probably Jamie he's hysterical and irrational like a woman.

He had another video where he was singing some embarrassing song on msnbc but it looks like the video has been removed from youtube.

That's some edgy shit right there, bro's. That band is called "The Agenda" so you know they know what's up (while getting down).

I posted this to /r/cringeAnarchy, more people need to see this faggotry.

"Hey, nice cock!" -Jamie Kilstein

Fuck this Bud Bundy looking fool.

Also the bongo playing dummy looks like some kind of alt/hipster version of Ant.

This guy is a comedian?

Seems more like a gay Huffington post blogger.

Ooops, same thing!

Failed comedian. He has to beg for donations to keep his podcast going.

Title should say "comedienne jamie kilstein."


"Tenacious Douchechills" "Flight of the Dullards" "Stephen should-be-Lynched"

Mcinnes would eat this guy's heart.

I made it a minute and ten seconds. I'm a big liberal douche, and i'd still rather listen to my baby's death rattle.

I just can't I'll be put in a 2 day bad mood...I can however thumbs down and bash it blindly though.

hey, this guys good

The only thing I was thinking when i was watching it was "How smelly must that fucking room be?"

That... that's terrible. I'm sorry.

It's not like anyone yells, "Hey I bet ya got a nice CUNT under that dress!"

Chip would. He's extremely vulgar and doesn't know how to respect women.

Yeah I'm sure the kind of guys who yell at random woman on the street are big fans of alt-musical comedy.

What a self indulgent ass.

I wish the world was like the road warrior. So instead of just watching this video and feeling a tightness in my jaw, i could kill this faggot and his shitty band and loot their slightly expired canned rations.

The comments under the video are pretty funny to complement the cringe when you recover

If killstein had a pair of testicles (which he doesn't because he destroyed them in a ritualistic sacrifice not unlike what is depicted in the BME pain olympics video in order to join the cult of third wave feminism) he'd just admit he's attacking cat calling because he hates blue collar, poor non-whites.

I would hang myself right now if I knew anyone in that video. What a bunch of faggots.

I wonder what O&J Jimmy would think of this....

"Y'know I didn't watch it because I didnt wanna be influenced by anyone else, but Jamie is a hilarious comic so I'm sure it was really funny."

I love you

I always thought he was a woman

How the fuck is this a song or even funny? I wouldn't pay shit to see that hack.

It wasnt even a song he was just talking over a guitar, how the fuck does he expect anyone to buy an album full of shit like that?

This video is cringier overall though:

Average White Beta Band

I can't... laugh if I'm being preached to.

The like to dislike ratio and comments give me back my faith in humanity.

Got that fez voice and that fez BH

Well he has a feminist wife that probably likes strap on play but I get it