Was opie about to cry after Justin let it out how horrible it is behind the scenes, and how he can't wait til he's gone.

60  2015-10-27 by Sippycupofpee

Not to mention Jim blurted out the money better be there for the next contract in 4 months. Opie literally fell apart. He slid into that slow low voice chomping his oatmeal just to seem like he doesn't care. The stangels were his chance at a new start, a media destination and I don't think it panned out. Opie fucked up by ingnoring and not engaging all the Reddit and Twitter hate, instead he thought fake positive propaganda would reach all their 'new listeners', but all he has is just the same OnA listener base that handed him his ass. Poor Opie. Good luck in 4 months, but if you don't go engage the hate your going to be pushed further into obscurity and increase the amount of respect that your staff is losing in you.


What did he expect the Stangels to do? They were writers for a television show, not radio personalities. I would much rather hear Sam Roberts as a 3rd mic, he understands the audience and is great at interacting with Jimmy. It's not like the Stangels brought over new listeners, I grew up watching Letterman and only knew they worked there because O+A would mention them sometimes. So many talented people out there, why in the fuck would you grab the Stangels? Makes no sense whatsoever.

Yeah, you're 100% right. I'm just so confused by the Stangels. They're not funny, they can't riff on a topic, their stories are terrible. They don't bring anything to the show. After Ant was fired and before the Stangels came aboard it was Sam and Jim that had great chemistry and Sam knows how to interact with Jim and his personas. I miss hearing Sam on the show. I couldn't care less about his own show, I've never listened. I don't blame the guy for wanting his own show, but damn, his ratings must by abysmal.

The last bit from O&J that I really enjoyed was Jimmy pitching his R-Man movie script about a superhero who mutilates the dicks of rapists. Sam goaded him on perfectly


"Uhhhh SNOWY in Michigan"




Everytime I hear one on mic I just think, "why are they speaking? He's not saying anything worthwhile." And does he always talk with that low voice? Holy shit I could fall asleep. He'd be boring as a one time guest for 20 minutes let alone someone who gets way too much air time.

I'd rather hear Sam and Jim do a show together.

I'd rather hear Sam and ebola do a show together.

Keep in mind after years of service Opie banished Sam Roberts to nights. I hope his shit house of cards collapses after hows hes treated everyone around him.

I miss Sam on the show so much. Back in the day when it was Sam, Opie, Anthony, a half-awake Jim, and intern drama for the first hour of the show every day, some of the best times were then.

Opie is so out of touch. He doesn't understand how his actions directly impact those around him. As time goes on, and more people come out to speak about working with Opie, there are more stories of how shitty working with Opie is. It pretty much started with Rick Delgado talking with Chauncey, and then Danny came out against Opie. Most of us thought at the time it was "sour grapes" as O&A discussed them on the air, but now that Opie's not engaging the hate, is making things look really bad for the Opester.

Tl;dr - it's all Opie's fault

Tits definitely has some of his mom in him, and as how that condition goes, titty-boy will refuse to acknowledge that.

His mother was sick? Funny as Opie's never ever mentioned anything about it

No you're wrong, he has, lots of times.

O literal Knickers

Actually he's talked about it a lot on the air over the years.

O literal fokm

@Bensparks6 Ben sparks & greggshells episode also confirmed how terrible opie is to work for.

Rick Delgado and Danny are your sources as to why it sucks to work with Opie then you need new sources. No one's ever liked Rick Delgado or Danny.

Seriously doesn't Danny bartend now at some hispster joint? Like he needs to be talking.

Seriously doesn't Danny bartend now at some hispster joint? Like he needs to be talking.

Is that what you heard? I thought I heard he's a greasy line cook, was actually feeling bad for him if that was the case. That's suicidal shit there but a bartender isn't that bad.

How about east side Dave talking shit about him in front of Ronnie b, and Ron not coming to his defense. That alone should speak volumes to any loyal listener.

Speaks volumes? Not really since I don't know any of them personally.


The Stangel Experiment was supposed to be the big post-O&A launch for Tits, a chance to show the world that he could be successful without Ant, and it failed massively. His joke writers were exposed as unfunny liars within about a day, they couldn't handle the twitter attacks, they contributed nothing new to the show, and I'm sure they weren't on the same page as Jimmy and began to really get fed up with Opie. O&J will be a better show with the Stangels gone, although it'll still be utter shit. Very happy about the Stangels being so miserable.

With all the comedy talent in NYC, why not hire ACTUAL JOKE WRITERS then? This had to be a friend of theirs pitching them to Opie as a favor between gigs, and not Opie reaching out. I could think of dozens of NY standups that would gladly write for a Sirius show in their off time. It's NYC for Christ sakes, it's like a director in LA hiring the Gallagher brothers to punch up a comedy script.

That's a good point. And my best guess is that there isn't one simple answer. However, I think part of it is the fact that Greggshells, as we've seen many times, has absolutely no self-confidence to leave his comfort zone. Partly because he isn't talented and he knows it, and partly because we've probably given him self-esteem issues that make him second-guess himself a lot. So he went with the easy option - the fat fucks. He knows the Stangels, they liked/tweeted the show in the past, and he apparently understood their 'humor' enough to think they'd make a good fit. Hiring a comedy writer from scratch, on the other hand, would require that Tits takes a leap of faith career-wise, which is something he hasn't done and will never do, even despite the fact that a failure for him would still result in having a millionaire condo and a pile of cash to last him the rest of his life. But he's too much of a coward, as we saw when Ant got fired. Not to mention, Tits wouldn't be able to properly identify a funny comic anyway, so picking two people he already knew was a decision that he probably was able to do with minimal interruption to his television watching regimen. And that, in the end, is all he really cares about. He just can't be bothered otherwise, he's too stupid and lazy.

That's a good point, that Opie can't leave his comfort zone. He did however surround himself with Anthony then Jim. With them around he could do shit like the cake stomp, and bust the cowgirls guitar, then let Anthony and Jim take over. Those episodes of shock he did was his only contribution to the show in the form of entertainment, he can be a very good board op and move shit along, he just can't carry a show. And I wonder how long co-dependent Jim will keep it up...

It's kinda like how you'll do much more ballsy stuff when you're with your friends than you would if you were by yourself, except for 20 years.

And the reason you can get away with that in a group is because it's distilled amongst all the other group contributions. Like having a funny partner or two

Agreed, also, if you are trying to be edgy and break stuff (and whatever else) at his age solo, you're basically Jason Ellis level douche.

And except that they're not his friends

Let's just all move on eh?

Don't look back in anger


I'm all in with the Oasis

niiiicccccce, love those O-A-Sissss deep tracks. burp, pffft

I don't know about that. Remember how bad Opie and Jim's chemistry was before the Stangel's came?

Maybe Opie can see if Ant still has any HVAC connections so Tits can pay the alimony and child support when he loses his gig.

Untalented fuck.

He's got connections with the Philly crew. Going for a segue here, he once bragged about knowing people in Philadelphia working blue collar jobs. I think he was trying to relate to listeners.

what did Stangel say about everything being horrible?

Exactly. This fucking guy acts like everybody is listening to the show.

There's another post here with Justin's audio. He basically said he's had enough. He said Opie made him be an on air producer, how everybody there lies, the staff has no respect, and he can't wait to leave in a couple of months. Then read a Twitter comment basically saying Pete Davidson has the spunk of a young Opie, calling Opie old and gutless essentially.

If I were Pete Davidson and someone said I was like a young Opie I would be swinging from a rope.

Pretty much echoes what happened to Steve, no?

I was really happy not to find "peckas" at the end. I'm not a good person lol.

I don't even care. Opie creates his own issues. Fuck him.

ME: I'll be fine.....trust me....I've been doing radio since I w----- WE HEARD YOU!!!!!!

I really think the thought behind the Stangels hiring was to become a Mainstream show. In Opie's mind he thought "Letterman is big time, these guys will make us popular & classy". Opie is very disconnected with the show he did for 20 years. He doesn't get that the show was about wise-ass guys shitting on everything & the fans were the same way. He really thought he was going to get to the next level & there would be enough fans that will like it.

The Stangels were lurking in the background of the show for some time.

4 months? Their contract isn't up until October 2016

4 Months after the Stangle's contract is up.

Ya i was confused about jimmies math. But OP point is true. The Opie project is a unanimous failure.

I definitely agree that he should've taken this shit head-on from the beginning. It's how he always said people should handle this kind of criticism.

Talking to Ant is the best choice he could possibly make at this point. Pick a show, have a conversation. There's nothing people would be more into hearing.

I say we extend the fun until Jockvember. What do you say, lads?


ME: I knooow, I knoooow!

Safe Space Hughes almost lost it when he thought fart knocker McFuckstick was going to out him when he mentioned liars . He kept quiet and in classic tits fashion , quickly changed the subject to a priest touching movie . I came pretty hard .

Pretty sure he meant management.

The idiotic thing is that all these guys need to do is stop using Twitter. Fans have no other real access to them, but they're such narcissists that they can't stop using Twitter.

Yes yes yes!


In his psychotic retarded egomaniac fuckhead of a mind he hired two unfunny brothers from the industry to fix the Opie and jimmy show. He learned nothing about comedy after having greats in, all it did was stroke his ego, he treated most comics line garbage unless the industry deemed them "funny".

What a retarded cunt, I can't wait until the show gets dropped. FYI jimmy will never leave, he will hang out in the halls trying to get a meeting. What a shitshow.


Opie doesn't even have half of he old O&A fan base that he used to have.

Jesus the show must be bad now if people are crying out for Sam Roberts to get more air time. Even Danny was funnier than Sam.


Oh for fuck sake. The success of the show somehow hinges on reaction to Reddit? Please, get a hold of yourself and go get some fresh air and some perspective.

Social media then.

The success of the show is based on fan reaction and support. Reddit, although a place that makes Twitter look like a love fest, is one of many ways to gauge fan reaction and support of the show. Why else would Opie, Jim, Anthony, and the Stangel's read the posts here?