Have comedians ever commented on Opie crying like a bitch?

2  2015-10-27 by soupnazi4u


'There's no crying in radio!'

-Opie 2005

'These media outlets are such phonies...Every time these big burly athletes cry like little girls on TV, how do you not make fun of them!?'

-Opie 2006

'Me and Anthony couldn't get enough of each other. After radio shows we would call each other-' (heavy breathing) 'we would talk about the show for hours...' (crying like a faggot)

-Opie 2015

Yeah Joe Rogan kind of made a joke about it he asked Jim "Did he cry about it? Boo hoo hoo" in a teasing kind of way and Jim was like yeah he did but that he was remembering good stuff mostly when he did. Kurt Metzger said something like (paraphrasing here) 'No one wants to touch that feud with a 10 foot pole.' Then I think Sherrod said it was pretty sad and some weird thing about that they hate each other because they can't love each other anymore. I just doubt they're going to bash Opie for that because it's one thing that is somewhat sad for them too (if you're talking about the O&A circle of comedians)

My dad texted me that morning: "Opie is crying like a little girl."