Otto on Opie's Letterman appearance. LOL.

9  2015-10-27 by jataylorlfc


When will the retarded faggots on this sub learn to use a time stamp?

I asked this same question and more than one person got all shitty about it. Perhaps 2 people even.

and here you are complaining about it in a completely different thread

I am super upset that you "people" can't timestamp. I'll complain every time I feel up to it.

what do you mean 'you people'?

I actually put quotes around people. I'm under the assumption this community, myself including are barely above ground morlock scum.

oh, you know.....

ding ding ding ding ding

How the fuck do you time stamp anyway


3h 31m 20s is the timestamp

OP instead of #t just use "&t=" next time

Look at the big brain on braun

You're a good boi

Time stamp?

Hahaha "Dopey little blonde guy". Fuckin hell, man. RIP Otto.

The ship steerer op

I think the real gem in that clip is everyone says the name of the club and town into the mic, Jim freaks the fuck out and swears he'll never work that scumbag place again, then off mic someone tells him which club he's actually thinking of.


"Opie" comes before "Anthony" in the name, so Opie was contractually obligated to never say anything funny or entertaining. Let's not forget the handbrakes incident: He was forced to have fucking no comedic timing or instinct because his name comes first.

"Opie" comes before "Anthony" in the name, so Opie was contractually obligated to never say anything funny or entertaining. If "Anthony" came before "Opie" in the name of the show Opie's line about the walker having tennis balls on it would've killed even though Ant had already said it. Opie would have been hilarious if the show was called "A&O"




AIDS be unto you.

and here you are complaining about it in a completely different thread

what do you mean 'you people'?