Spade Saying "Opie and Idiot" on Stern

0  2015-10-27 by ChrisCapezza


He said "Don't be an idiot."

This makes the most sense^ he's just a silent D mush mouth. A lot of hype over nothing.

This is like listening to Stairway to Heaven backwards.

This is what all the buzz is about? He said "don't be an idiot" to himself about talking to a chick in an airport or somthing.


lol david spade? he's such a short faggy douchebag but he was great back in the day

It's been so long since I've heard David Spades voice that I can't tell if he's drunk during the interview, anyone else hear him sorta slurring?

What the fuck did he even mean about Opie and idiot? It was randomly thrown in there.

I can't even follow what he's talking about through his groggy delivery and broken sentences.

I'm guessing pills, spade seems like a twerpy little pill head

probably slowed down audio so it doesn't get pulled from youtube if they play songs or anything like that

No Howard and Robin sound normal, dude sounds fucked up

I don't even get the context of why he said it. It seemed out of the blue and unrelated to the story.

I listened to it several times and I still don't know what he was going for

He was saying "dont be an idiot" to himself.

I'd guess he caught some wind of Howard having beef with them and decided to butter him up by slipping that insult in.

"Oh nnnnnnnooooooooooo" - every David Spade movie

is he referring to cumia or norton?

edit- i just heard it and he is saying 'dont be an idiot', HOWEVER... i think we should run with it, just so Opie burns another bridge, just keep linking it, make sure not to link the whole video


I'll say one thing, any show that's been off the air for a year or more that still gets mentioned as some kind of "uch, who even are they" there's still some kind of hope. I doubt the show'll get back together, but it ain't dead, at least atm.

I'm guessing pills, spade seems like a twerpy little pill head

He was saying "dont be an idiot" to himself.