"You like that band Jimmy?" "It's not my type of music but I liked that song a lot"

36  2015-10-26 by Jackthejew



Where you at with the Iggy Pop, Jimmy?

"If they aren't singing about witches and satan they're just pussies."

I remember Jimmy was ripping on a song with a fantasy theme and CQ piped in with "Yeah, just like witches at black masses, you child"

sir I believe the quote was "Yeah, just like witches at black masses...twelve year old."


Can a nigga get a link?

I can't remember which episode it is, but it's part of one of the Colin vs Jim compilations, which are essentially the greatest things on the internet if you haven't seen em

just listened to the quinn vs Vos and Jimmy ones. pure gold colin is for sure my favorite now

yeah those are fucking great too, there's gotta be enough material for a Colin vs Bobby one too.

I remember this. It had something to do with CQ praising 'The Who' and Jimmy explaining that he thinks they are overrated. Colin retaliated by saying that Black Sabbath was overrated and was sarcastically commenting that Black Sabbath's lyrics were really deep.

he sucks and has no fire now. even though thats how he truly feels, remember when he used to go on angry music rants for humors sake...

My favorite was when that caller named Pearl Jam as a better band than Black Sabbath and Jimmy told him to slip in his own puke and crack his head on a toilet

i remember when he would just come on and be funny, and not think he was some expert on politics and culture, or thought he was in any kind of position to give other people life advice.

They still do the song of the day thing? Ugh.

and that's how we start today

I miss the days he would go off on Dave Mathews for an hour.

lol just like every thing hes middle of the road, and thats exactly the kind of respond to every controversy if it involves a friend of his that can help with a paycheck

Jimmy doesn't actually like music hth.

Except for Kiss and Sabbath, which is surprising to me, because i dont know how you can be a fan of a band like Sabbath and Kiss at the same time, and think highly of the work of both.

Sometimes i think Jimmy has a touch of autism. He is really, really focused on a few things, down to every detail, and then is completely oblivious to everything else around him. He's Raymond Babbitt with a drivers licence.

I don't think he actually likes their music though, just what they stand for in his mind which is some sort of rebellion from normalcy.

E: actually I want to amend this by saying that I think it has more to do with the perception that both Sabbath and Kiss pushed the boundaries of good taste. I honestly think that's the only reason Jimmy likes them, and it has fuck all to do with their music. I truly believe that Jimmy just doesn't give a shit about any music at all.

"It's been a while since I've listened to XXXXXXX, but I'm gonnuh hafta ged back intuh the XXXXXXX"

"I usetuh be all in witduh XXXXXXX All in!! But now, asa faaaaaathur I ain't got time forduh XXXXXXX"

"I'm defnedlee gonnuh haftuh go home and get back intuh the XXXXXXX. I was never that intuh the XXXX but that song made me wannuh ged back intuh the XXXXXXX"

"Anyone else like the doors? Do you like the doors Jimmy?" Shut the fuck up already about the intro music.