Comedy gurus, charming hunks and Authors? Stangle bros are crushing life!

3  2015-10-26 by Puddinlegzz


I wonder if any of you sweethearts have any opinions for the comment section

"Oh noooo..." --Jim Norton

By Chris Brusich - June 22, 2015 My Uncle Paul was babysitting my son Chip last week and left this horrid book at my house. I can't believe this trash exists! I told my boyfriend Lamar to burn the book!

Chris is a good egg.

It took both of them to change words in a book for toddlers.

For some shit fuck reason letterman hired a couple of marks thinking they could work. After getting ran out of that territory opieradio gives them the book?? Gotta be a rib. But no, first order of business they take the biggest babyface in the company and move him to fucking smackdown. Primetime Sammy Roberts, the dirtiest player in radio.

Eastside dave is drunk somewhere in new jersey FUCKING DYING for the hot tag from Sammy. Special delivery finisher on both them jabrobis, loser leaves town. Opie leaves regardless because he is a loser anyway. And the crowd goes wild.

what wastes of life

Why haven't you animals started to put up great reviews of this book?

Because most of us stopped listening to the show a year ago and don't really know who they are.