Opie is a smart business man.

18  2015-10-26 by bdizzle45

He's so good at business, he doesn't understand why the NFL would want to put a game on the internet. He wouldn't understand why they would want to cut ties with CBS, ESPN, and FOX so they can get all the advertising revenue. What a dumb idea.


In opies defense, he's retarded

"I think I was supposed to be I don't know a doctor or an accountant but dats borrring to mee..."


please no, he didn't

Unfortunately, he did.

Very start of the clip to about 1:15 to get the whole effect.


Ha ha ha. I love it. It never gets tiring like old episodes of Seinfeld or summit.

" leave it alone. Leave it alone! "

Opie: "Everyone was probably too scared to tell me" almost a split-second of self awareness, that's good. Jim says "I used to point it out, but you got mad at me". Opie instantly "Noooo, did I?... Probably because I was so frustrated" INSTANTLY reverts to denial and excuses, i thought we we were making progress :(

Yea, why would they want billion dollar broadcast contracts from the TV networks. It's much more lucrative to stream games online with no major media production, promotion or distribution. What a bunch of dopes running the NFL.

Hey dummy, they would keep all the revenue. You think the tv networks lose money? No, they gain money from advertising. This was a test for the NFL to do their own thing.

The NFL has their own network and has streamed games online many times. If they thought it would be a better idea to do that it would have been done long ago. Do you think the ad revenue is the same for a streamed game as it is on CBS?

You can only stream NFL network games online if you are a NFL network subscriber. This was the first one that was for free to everyone in the world. This was more about brand exposure then ad revenue

'ow was de stareem en Trinidad? Do de veedeo buffa quieklee?

no fo shame me bruddah, we steel gut de dial-up

TOL Trinadaddie Online, de be sendin me dem disks mon

O dem po pepaal. I beet dem weesh dey get dem game on de cbs lo-caall afeelieaat steshan.

As far as I know, they have never streamed a game online. They have the NFL network, but because they have contracts with other networks, they only have one game per week. The ad revenue for a streamed game is not the same right now, but if the NFL leaves the networks, and you can only watch football by going through an NFL website or APP, the revenue will be more than the tv network deals. TV as we know it is dying, and the NFL is preparing to move on.

I didn't hear the show's conversation so I don't know if this is what Opie said on this subject. Is this your opinion on it or is this what he was trying to say?

The "smart business man" part is from when he talked about splitting up the show with Ant before he got fired. And today he just stated that he thinks it's dumb for them to put the London game on the internet.

k thx. I don't think I could say he isn't a smart business man due to his being extremely well off for his skillset and intelligence level. He did some smart things along the way. Splitting up the show at that point probably would not have been one of them. He is a moron but I can't say he is dumb with his personal finances.

I don't think putting that one game from London online was dumb considering Buffalo vs. Jacksonville is not going to make most people wake up early to watch. CBS produced the game and it was was still on CBS tv for the local markets so really they just decided not to make it a nationally televised game.

It was only on the Buffalo CBS affiliate. Syracuse, Rochester and Binghamton, all surrounding towns that always get Buffalo games were blacked out. So they were really pushing the online angle

Those towns are not the local network affiliates, they are regional partners that make up the teams extended marketplace. It was only tv for the specific Buffalo and Jacksonville affiliates. CBS produced the game so it was presented the same, just with different distribution.

I wasn't disagreeing with you, just an observation. I watched it online, HDMI to my TV, so I actually prefer streaming you can check cuckold-tranny porn in a new tab during commercials. I edged for the entire game, glad it didnt go to overtime.


Ah peckas.

"failing upward" is what you call it

No one outside of Buffalo or Jacksonville was going to watch that watch that game anyway, 2 shit teams. I Live in upstate NY and CBS would've still aired the Jet's/Patriots game had they been on at the same time. So the NFL airs it for free around the world (first time a game has been free online worldwide), with links to the NFL.com shop right underneath it. No one but americans care about the NFL, and they're trying to change that. It actually turned out to be a pretty good game, depending on the ratings i'd say it was a smart move. Why wouldn't they at least try it, once a year?

No one outside of Buffalo or Jacksonville was going to watch that watch that game anyway, 2 shit teams.

I think you seriously underestimate this country's addition to the NFL. I was watching the game on my tablet, while I took my morning dump: The future truly is now. Honestly, I was shocked by how good the quality of the stream was, and I experienced little problems.

It actually turned out to be a pretty good game, depending on the ratings i'd say it was a smart move

It was a success on all fronts. I read it was around 16 Million unique views, with 34 million total views, with almost 33% coming from outside the United States.

(Edit: These numbers are from MMQB - http://mmqb.si.com/mmqb/2015/10/26/nfl-week-7-yahoo-live-stream-greg-hardy-miami-dolphins)

Edit: Just want to point out, that it will probably be a few until this enters the discussion of becoming the norm. Existing TV contracts for most regular season/post season games are through 2021. So until then, it will probably be the odd game here & there - more than likely Thursday nights, if CBS doesn't re-up after next year.

Yeah, the ratings rivaled primetime games, Yahoo paid $20 million for the rights to one shitty game as a trial thing, they sold 30 second ads for $50k a piece (i'm sure it will cost google or whoever a lot more next year, they said probably 3 streamed games). I think the UK/Australia would be great additions, you guys already play similar sports. It would just suck (for travel reasons) if they put a team in London, which is what they are trying to do it seems.

The Uk would be awesome for like an 8 team league of undrafted high level college players, or older superstars before retirement (Much like the MLS does with "soccer" players). You already have the stadiums, it makes sense.

I remember a show when Opie was going off about how with new televisions "there's all this fuckin shit they have but they don't put it out, they just give you the SHITTY version so you have to buy the fuckin NEW one in a year!" He was acting like it was some big conspiracy he uncovered but he was just describing basic planned obsolescence. Truly unparalleled business acumen.

Not many people are aware of implied obsolescence. My grandparents have a fridge in their basement from the 60's, never had a problem with it. The average lifespan for a fridge these days is around 10 years. So "Back in my day" guy (Opie), saying how stuff used to last, yeah we could still make it like that, but why would you? Companies (appliances, car makers, etc) realized around the 80's you could make a product cheaper, make higher profits and sell more of them at the same time. It's a consumeristic society MAHNNN!

Has the NFL never heard of Viral Spiral???

Fhuuucuccckkkk man.

"The 15.2 million uniques via Yahoo is slightly less than the 17.6 million average for CBS’s “Thursday Night Football” this season but more than ESPN’s “Monday Night Football,” which is averaging 13.5 million TV viewers....The NFL sees the Yahoo experiment as a win, because the league was able to take a game that would have had relatively low TV-viewing numbers in the States — because of the 9:30 a.m. ET start time, for starters — and attracted a larger audience by distributing it digitally to users in 185 countries." TLDR: The NFL knows what the fuck theyre doing

remember opie used to say internet is where the big money @ and he was all in with podcast and live streaming

Tell him it's like a podcast, but it's sports instead of comedians talking to each other.

He's smart, the douche dollar is a big dollar, that's clever

I don't know about business man but he can get people who hate him to listen to him, every day.