At this point if Ant phoned in would they put him through?

4  2015-10-25 by Lilcumia

He kind of made the show what it is. Kinda sucks they can't even have him on as a guest. Also if Howard made those texts would he still have a job there?


I don't think Opie would... Something tells me he blames Anthony for all the hate he's been getting lately. You also have to think of how quickly the greggshells came out when Vos and Bob Kelly made comments in the last few months.

As for Howard, he's pretty much untouchable. He's the only thing that SiriusXM has

Well him blaming anthony is the perfect cop-out for a narcissist. Playing the victim rather than acknowledging he has any faults

He literally did blame him on the air around this time last year.


It's a trick question, because Ant doesn't wake up until mid afternoon.

He got up early when Rogan wanted to put him on.

Yet he was able to get his ass to the SiriusXM studios several months ago no problem when Rogan was hosting, only to be held in the lobby.

Opie would never let his call through.

No, but he would have a beer at a bar with Ant and try to work things out.
not really


Not my words. That's what opie kept saying when callers would ask why he hasn't been on TACS before the gregshells fallout.

Oh I remember. Didn't he want to "figure some things out" with Ant or some equally vaginal explanation?

Why is this bad? Burr wanted the same thing. Eye to eye, no mugging for the camera, or cute bashful little girl noises.

It was the phrasing. Opie wanted to meet over a grapefruit beer.

No and yes.



The bit is that Ant is only only going to try and get on when he knows they wont let him. And if you mean tweets it's a catch 22. Howard gets away with everything because of how popular he is, Howard is as popular as he is because he doesn't tweet "Ant Bullshit."

Is it possible that we could call in to both shows and patch them together?

I know you are a quantum realist, but think about your question for a minute.

Notions of time and space are so abstract!


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No they would not.

Oh I remember. Didn't he want to "figure some things out" with Ant or some equally vaginal explanation?