It's clear by now that Opie is getting exactly what he deserves

0  2015-10-25 by Ant_Sucks

  • A hot wife.
  • Millions of dollars in the bank
  • Penthouse apartment

Many hours of entertaining radio over the years. All those great memorable bits. Enjoy the fruits of your labor, Ope!

Upvote if you agree that Opie is a successful cunt who deserves all his wealth.

Downvote if you think No, Opie doesn't deserve to be called a cunt.

Also, vote up or down if you think Ant sucks.


Ant_Sucks sucks.

I'd give Lynsi an 8 2 kids ago, her cunt is probably a little rough these days. I'd definitely fuck her, but i'd fuck her if she was 300 pounds and there would be SEVERAL cameras set-up. He doesn't have a penthouse, he has a slightly above average apartment in Manhattan. He is a stingey/cheap Catholic-Jew, so he probably does have most of the money he's ever made in the bank still though


Any millionaire with a wife and kids should have a vaginoplasty specialist on speed dial, otherwise what is the point of all that money?

stick to sucking tits aka your boss opies cock. your attempts at humor are fucking pathetic. "Any millionaire with a wife and kids should have a vaginoplasty specialist on speed dial, otherwise what is the point of all that money?" god i fucking hate you

Posts like yours are why I like Opie. He makes some of you so mad. How can you not love that

yeah whatever faggot go jerk off to his big man tits some more in your moms basement


How do you not suicide from embarrassment from posting your hacky jokes?

Too busy laughing

  1. He is the most unfunny, untalented, embarrassing cunt on the radio.
  2. His wife can't stand him and she masturbates to Bam's picture.
  3. He is made fun of, hated and disgusts people, literally, all over the world.
  4. He is very slowly becoming aware of this. Even though it's been going on for, literally, years.
  5. He's a jealous, immature, hating CUNT that tells lies on a daily basis to try and make himself feel/look better, no matter what the cost to anybody else. Yeah....I'd say Opie's getting what he "deserves"