Alex Jones calls in to the Saturday Night Virus when Louie was hosting.

21  2015-10-25 by ValleyChippah


dats naht fawkin alex joness COCKSUCKAH

Double conspiracies cocksuckah

Double agent sock cucka

39:28 "I would rather shit in a hat and wear it for the rest of my life."

One of my favorite lines ever.

haha yeah I just heard that beat me to posting it!

Never heard this before. Great show! It's amazing how good Louie used to be.

Yeah either that's not Alex jones, or he's using a fake radio voice now.

It's him. He's from Austin, TX.

Laughed hella hard at 51:20 Louie's quick explanation of his "N" word joke.

haha yeah I just heard that beat me to posting it!