What was the name of the Patrice and Louis episode where they discuss Louis' penis being racist?

3  2015-10-24 by fantasticmrfox_thm


Around the 8:00 mark


Some real eager to pleaser niggas up in his thread yo

Well said my colored cohort!

I believe it was "Those chains are made of Tensile steel!"

Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHJiDqzYJfA

what a fucking line!

I got into O&A 'round 2009 because I started a desk job and I liked listening to Louie and found his old hours long appearances. This episode was the first one that made me seek out more O&A because of O&A, and not because Louie was there. Still probably the funniest off-the-cuff line anyone's ever had. Fucking Anthony.

It might be slave girl if it's not that.