PKA 253 w/ Anthony Cumia - Biggest Hoaxes, Magic Leap, Female Fighters

41  2015-10-24 by chargersfan3421


How do 3 complete amateurs who arent even in the same room have better chemistry and charisma than O&J?

LMFAO at Ant's reaction when his retard helmet joke bombs.

Their great friends and meetup all the time. They have chemistry

They aren't amateurs... They have been doing this for 5 and a half years

Longer than that actually. The podcast is only 5 years old. Before podcasting they did group commentaries where they would dick around and play CoD4. They've been doing this for almost 8 years.

Their great friends and meetup all the time. They have chemistry They aren't amateurs... They have been doing this for 5 and a half years

Opie would say they're amateurs, to that.

But they're still better than O&J lol.


jesus man

I ended up liking it and hes a sweet boy I'm just very zooot toot a looted

I've actually just started listening to the podcast a bit ago, from what i tell they're just used to each other.

I think Woody's son has autism so maybe that's why it bombed, dammed I know though.


I like how he mentioned us specifically, then told him we are trying to get him (Opie) in trouble, said with a huge grin on his face.

Anthony is a fan of our work, though he will not publicly say so.

Of course he is. He absolutely checks this place out all the time as well as Opie and Jimmy. They are all complete internet whores and this is the most active place on the net as far as discussing any of them.

Except when the hate turns its eye towards him.

He accepted that burst of hate better than Opie did.

Ant came back. Opie never visited.

Yeah, at least Ant comes here and tells everyone to fuck themselves.

And that's why we love our Anthony!

Opie never visited.

I bet Opie is lurking here more than Ant is.

20 minutes in and Anthony is already sympathizing with the Nazis

That's impressive personal growth.

Usually he opens any show he's part of with a prayer and a Nazi flag flying at half-mast.




Are you implying the fascists were left-wing?

Are you implying they're mutually exclusive?

Your source seems to disagree, kumpel.


Did you not read any of that? lmao

That has nothing to do with fascism, it's entirely different.

Left-wing fascism and left fascism are terms that have been used to describe tendencies in left-wing politics that contradict or violate the progressive ideals with which the Left is usually associated. Syntagmas such as left-wing fascism provide shorthand labels, but they lack any scientific precision, not the least due to the broad meaning of each of the components. Considering the general classification of fascism as being on the far right, crossovers may be expected according to the extremes meet theory

Regardless, to put an end to the discussion the Nazis were not leftists/socialists.

Sure. Are you salty because it described you?

Horowitz argues that a tenet of "left-wing fascism" in the United States is a rejection of American ideals and the democratic system, and an assertion of socialism as an idealized abstraction. He argues that "left-wing fascists" uniquely examine socialism without comment on the activities in the Soviet Union.

You said it was mutually exclusive, but it isn't. Maybe you should google the definition of "general" instead. No one said the Nazis were leftists.

More lefty fascism for you


What, a guy can't like OnA and care about the plight of the proletariat at the same time?

Shut it, pleb.

All I'm sayin' is that America's middle class is shrinking and we could benefit from a grassroots labor movement as well as tighter government regulations on outsourcing and high finance. All I'm sayin'.



Nothing objectively wrong with that, the Nazis were fucking great. I wish so bad that they won.

Shitting on Opie right off the bat, atta boys.

only, but also best reason for me to tune in

Why the fuck does he do this and won't do Nick diPaolo's podcast

20k youtube views. Entirely different yet popular demographic

I think he should do them both- great promotion. But perhaps give DiPaolo first crack as he's been a loyal show guy for 10 to 15 years


PKA is super popular

averages like 150k views every week with some shows hitting multiple 200k+ views

That dude kyle in the right corner reminds me of the kid from highschool who brought teck decks to school

He reminds me of a kid in my 12th grade gym class who had "Love/hate" tattoos on his forearms. A year later he flipped his mustang in a ditch and died.


Dude, Kyle got the tech-deck half-pipe... Thats so fuckin' sick bro!

Now i'm just imagining Opie being a "Child of the 90's" and all the douchey shit he would be into, mental worm-hole

Now he's the guy who literally blows up toilet seats with ww2 tanks in his back yard

Is that supposed to be cool to me?

he has tanks, so yes.

I blow up toilet seats daily tsssss

Jesus christ man, dont we all.

he reminds me of a guy from eastern Europe who I played basketball with in college and I was the new young sheltered kid that didn't know shit about the world. Everyone treated me like a younger brother except this eastern europe guy who always tried to shit on me and and embarrass me in front of the guys but it just killed whatever fun we were having. Like if you and your friends were rough housing with the younger brothers and one guy decides to just deck the little brother and break his nose.

god i hated that kid.

Good stuff. Anthony really thrives with a few people to bounce off of. Thought he got on especially well with Taylor and Kyle. Taylor seemed to be the funniest and Kyle had the gun stuff and an easy going nature, would like to see a show with the 3 of them. That Woody guy was alright though too, seemed to be a way less annoying Opie - "steering the ship" effectively.

That Woody guy was alright though too, seemed to be a way less annoying Opie - "steering the ship" effectively.

I've been watching these guys from the beginning and Woody is Opie, if Opie was actually good.

Woody has even demolished one or two flows with a loud "hold on! hold on!"

The biggest difference is that Woody is the smartest and most opinionated out of all of them.

"The biggest difference is that Woody is the smartest and most opinionated out of all of them."

So the complete opposite of Opie then.

Your spot on about taylor and kyle but woody is great because his contagious laugh, always brings up the topics, does the tech work, and is good at controlling the flow of the show

is ant on TRT?

Woody kinda reminds me of Mayhem Miller.

wheres my rematch buddy


It's staggering how much more entertaining Ant is than Opie.


For such a political junkie Ant sure didn't say anything when they were talking about ISIS and Obama keeping us safe with his drone strikes. Or the hypocrisy between hillary being responsible for bengazi but George W. had no responsibility for not stopping 9/11 before it happened.

Ant doesn't really think about politics and think about the philosophy of it. It's clear that his opinions are formed by listening to Hannity and pundits, reading through drudge everyday, and watching videos on niggermania. Listen to everyone I agree with, find facts that support my side, discount any evidence to the contrary, and declare that anyone that disagrees is just an ignorant, uninformed libtard.

His politics have become even more single-minded and totally focused on guns, crime and race.

Anthony seems abit more slower in the brain than he used to be. I wonder what's causing it more, the depression or those countless bottles of Bud he insists on throwing back.

Does he?


"abit more slower"... just let that sink in folks. You write like Vos speaks

Haribo is a good tradesman deal.

Say "more" again


Who are these faggots and why is Ant on their show?

Kyle is known on YouTube as "fps Russia" a very popular gun channel, woody is "woodysgamertag" on YouTube as well. Both extremely large fan bases. PKA as a show has been around for years.

Well they are good fucking boys,and should be considered friends to our insurrection. They more than proved thier loyalty.

Tsss what does Fps stand for? Fuckin peckah suckah or sumptin?

First Person Shooter

Oh literal saintscanucks

FPSRussia? What ever happened to the murder case? For a while it seemed like he was a suspect.

Still a mystery, to the general public at least.

Someone filmed a documentary about it. The guy killed was good friends with kyle and he was really upset about it for a while.

Kyle didn't kill him.

They watched gore videos on PKA once and Kyle was the first to get upset and bitch out. He's the opposite of 'hardcore'.

I don't know but with with 1.1 million subs and and nearly 200k views per podcast without counting itunes they are probably blowing o&j and tacs out of the water.

I do not know either, but the Kyle dude has better radio instinct than Opie ever did. These guys are not that bad.

These guys are Opie haters, they lead Ant into shit talking Opie.

Yeah this isn't bad at all, these guys have a good flow.
See Opie, it's not too hard.

Opies problem is he tries too hard.

Back in the day he kept his cum-catcher shut and let the talent bring the funny.

Something happened, his marraige is my and many others theorys on his "change".

He lost that wrecklessness that made the show unique to us.



What, a guy can't like OnA and care about the plight of the proletariat at the same time?