Why is Jim Norton so against Internet anonymity?

6  2015-10-23 by AlimonyKills

Does he really want it to be required to have your full name attached to anything you post online? Why?


Its a convenient answer for him because he is famous which means he's almost never anonymous, and it means we can take pot shots at him but he cant hit us back because he knows nothing about us.

And after all the firings from things said online that OnA did segments on and even having his partner of 15 yrs shitcanned for things said online, he still thinks this.

Correct. Also its a straw argument that he can latch onto in order to avoid answering the really hard truths that he and Opie have tried to avoid since Ant's firing. Even before that; "your argument is worthless because you won't use your real name" is the same as "your argument is worthless because you suck". If he takes the stance of being so absolute, it allows him the ability to avoid addressing anything out of the parameters he creates with what he sees fit. "Oh Im not a worm for staying on because of money; your the asshole who didn't understand the situation we got OURSELVES into, and that we created and allowed to happen". FUCK THEM.

Maybe he also thinks people would present their complaints much more diplomatically to him or not at all if they were forced to use their real identity. But one look at any massively big Facebook group's comment sections shows that it doesn't pan out like that


It's the most enraging thing about him, because he doesn't understand that famous people, and "famous" people like himself, are not anonymous because they have millions of dollars. That is a price alot of us would pay to be in your position. If you can't take Dumb Ralph from Shit Dick, RI saying your act stinks, then stop calling yourself a "mean comic" and go pontificate about bass fishing some more.

Guy gets famous off being mean and wants people to have their SSN on their Twitter to say he's a faggot. Fuck him. Make more jokes about old ladies having their hats removed and stop getting all weepy and shit. Fucking 4 foot tall high school dropout. Why does he have an advice show? Jesus. An advice show. Ron made fun of the concept of that for years because of all the people calling trying to fix Fezzy.

I love Norton, but fuck him for this. It's the most backward and selfish opinion he has. And fuck Future Jimmy. What a shithead.


What about KISS? They didn't take that makeup off for years.

What about the transvestites he picks up that use fake names, fake hair, and fake interest in him?

Because he has to deal with the downsides of being a public figure he believes we all should.

This is the same stupid reason he believes that NSA spying on Americans is warranted, because hey, we all love seeing paparazzi shots in the tabloids, amirite gang?! I love Jim as a comedian but he needs to recognize that's he's not fit to be a social commentator in the slightest.

Or a comedian, his specials suck. He's far below his peers I'm standup. He's used to be funny on the radio but without Anthony, Louie, Patrice, burr and everyone else who the show passed by he's just a bore. Nothing more than opies censored sidekick

probably because someone more famous than him once said it was a bad thing.

that's now my most favorite explanation

And what's the deal with all those anonymous COWARDS in his beloved AA meetings he never shuts up about since his chronic bout of alcoholism for a few months when he was 17?!

It's not that we're afraid of Jim Norton knowing our real names, it's that we'd be humiliated if our friends and family found out we're online talking about a show called "OpieRadio"

He can't handle the hate

In reality people are more honest when they are anonymous. If everyone used their real name they would be forced to be phony and sugar-coat their words like most celebrities.

didnt he spend 30 years of his life anonymously contacting trans-prostitutes via phone and craigslist/backpage? i'm sure he didnt introduce himself as James Norton, professional comedian.

b/c he cant effectively attack someone without knowing what they look like, their job or something personal.

For all the reasons everyone has said but also because he has control issues. Knowing who you are would give him power. Shitting on an anonymous Twitter egg does nothing.

I have a link and screenshots of his Plenty of Fish profile. He doesn't use his real name there. He did use to have a really zoomed in pic of his face though.

Who knows. I'd like it see him wear a name tag when hes picking up prostitutes or being trained by women at the gym.

He should invest in a safe space like opie has, all he has to do is hire 2 fat brother jews to monitor all his social media for him like tits does. Im pretty sure he could hire brother Joe, its not like he has a real job.

He's tired of getting their pants off and not seeing a dick.

Because Jim has no actual arguments while arguing with someone on the internet. The only way to make it sound like he's winning is to make fun of somebody's life which he can't do to us with anonymity.

He's not against anonymity, he just doesn't like that people wouldn't say what they're saying if they aren't anonymous.

There would be zero repercussions if someone insulted Jimmy online using their real name. Being anonymous doesn't make remarks about his average comedy, wormy personality or cancerous aids ridden body any less valid.

Because he's famous and has a superiority complex, can't deal with anyone being on the same level in an argument.

Because he abuses celebrities anonymously in his free time, Jim's fucked up like that


Just after Ant got sacked he said he now gets why people post annon. He soon went back to his old way of thinking.

Are you daring to suggest that the inimitable James W. Norton isn't consistent with his opinions, sir?

Does anyone here think for a fucking second this faggoty little invertebrate wouldn't doxx someone in a heartbeat just for, say, disagreeing with him or informing him that his opinions are uninformed dogshit? He can't, and not being able to do so pisses him off to no end.

I just think he's anti-troll... I remember there was a NOPIE show where he explained it pretty eloquently.

he really never has. he even reversed his opinion in the wake of a rash of pretty heinous firings for pretty much nothing and then recanted and went back to the same old shit for no reason at all.

he's the goldfish kid.

because he sold out to the illuminati! ever asked yourself why he is the hottest comedian with million dollar album sales for a decade now? come on!

Because you should stand over what you say on the net. He's right.

So I trust you'll soon be posting your full name and contact info?

Yeah, didn't think so.

Not the brightest eh?

No, you're not.

Ooooh. Curse you. You've done me

Cuz people tend to act like tough guys and cunts when they're anonymous which has gotta be torture for a public figure, especially one that you would never say shit to if he knew you cuz his insults are world class. I totally get it. Read the YouTube comments, read these comments. It tends to get pretty pathetic and gross the way people act when they're anonymous. It's one thing to speak your mind but another to spend the day insulting people with no worries of getting it back. There are thousands of Twitter accounts that literally spend all day tweeting awful shit to celebs and people. This is all why I never blame a celeb for using the block button on Twitter (except Cumia who got to trigger happy with it and blocked me for a disagreement about politics- that is fucking lame)

Back to your wrestling you faggot.


(except Cumia who got to trigger happy with it and blocked me for a disagreement about politics- that is fucking lame)

Translation: "It's only a problem if it happens to me."

It's only a problem if it's unwarranted which I can 100% tell you it was. If I called him names then fine, if I made his argument look dumb with logic then it's lame.


I didn't deserve it so much that I've refused to pay my $7 per month because of it. If I deserved it, I woulda payed. But since I didn't deserve it, and since Anthony's show seems to be approx 50% "this is what happened of Twitter today", i just can't do it

Maybe he also thinks people would present their complaints much more diplomatically to him or not at all if they were forced to use their real identity. But one look at any massively big Facebook group's comment sections shows that it doesn't pan out like that


Ooooh. Curse you. You've done me