Opie: Is there a gigantic hole on the sun......

20  2015-10-23 by ClovisLedbetter

Neil (what he should have said): Yes, and it's named after you.


You know you've successfully dumbed down the population when the guy who runs a planetarium is the only scientist most people can name and he's viewed as the be all, end all authority on all things science including things outside his field of expertise.

Same with Bill "We're rapidly destroying our planet" Nye. His degree is a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and anything "sciency" he says is seen as fact, law, and gosh fella's it's 20__ we should get it together!

Don't forget Dr. Michu 'Why does that scary worm man always say hi to me" Kaku. I don't disagree with you guys, but they are both palatable, have a wide range of general science knowledge and belong on TV. A lot of people who dedicate their lives to science, usually have a particular field, aren't the most camera friendly and are just down right weird birds! (Excuse my language)

The difference between Kaku and those other guys is that Kaku is an actual expert who really knows what he's talking about.

Unfortunately he delivers it like dorky pot talk, but he has the actual physics in his head, and it does show sometimes. When he's pressed he can always go on and re-explain something until it makes sense to whatever kind of idiot he's talking to. He doesn't only have a handful of pre-prepared metaphorical summaries that make science sound "cool" like Tyson and Nye do.

And he doesn't think that Science™ has a rightful claim to rule over all fields like they do. And he doesn't pose as a false authority and lie to the people like they do. He's an annoying sperg, not a full-on narcissistic psycho.

Anyone Jim hates is awesome.

I want knowledge, not eloquent speeches or great personalities, it says a lot about us that we can't accept knowledge from someone who seems weird, odd, awkward...

Well that's the mainstream for you. Think about politicians, are they the smartest/most qualified people to run the world, or do they just give good speeches so Regular Joe thinks "Thats the guy i wanna have a schlitz with"... PBS Nova or BBC science shows generally feature some eccentric characters who are experts in their field. I find them very entertaining. However, the average idiot American who watches real housewives and honey boo boo isn't going to watch that shit. So im not going to hate on a couple guys who make science digestible to the masses, even if they do it in the most basic form

Somehow Elon Musk makes it work. If you ever watch his keynote speeches or whatever, you can tell he's not comfortable speaking in front of people. Luckily for him his companies' product are really neat.

Plus the whole getting subsidized by the government thing.

Saw a picture of him from when he was like 21 and he was totally bald. So he's clearly some kind of warlock as well as a scientist.

Elon Musk is a faggot and I hope he drives his electric car into a waterfall.

Edgy shit from some guy in a sleeveless shirt in a pickup truck.

are you crazy? water and electricity don't mix!

Blame Thomas Edison and George Fatcat Westinghouse for that!!!


NDT eloquent lol

the only thing kaku did wrong was telling jimmy about religious and ppl going to space as a whole, which was used to ruin a great bill burr appearence

Is that his real middle name?

Yea! All these people are idiots! Only people in this sub are funny and knowledgable!


Sorry bub, M.E. are the most qualified (next to physicists) to rant about climate change (or at least the causes). The knowledge of energy dynamics and forms (often referred to as thermodynamics) gives us the expertise. Also because we're the dickheads that are going to have to fix it (as well we're the dickheads who broke it).

But naw, your certificate from truck driving school probably makes you a better expert on the topic.

For your information, ya big muckity-muck I never got a certificate. I actually barely passed my road test, apparently rolling stop signs and illegal left turns are frowned upon. That was just in a dump truck, I imagine I'd be a serious threat to society in a real truck. So in the mean time why don't you engineer my dick out of your mother's cunt! I apologize, I already started drinking, I have the utmost respect for your career field sir.

Never apologize on the internet! And you get your dick back in my mother's hungry cunt, you lazy faggot!

I'm sorry, I'm an internet coward. I don't feel like I can project how awesome I am through words alone. If you saw me in person, my striking blue eyes, and my fit physique, I would question whatever you say. Since i don't know you, and you don't know me, i assume you know whatever it is you're talking about, and you're awesome at it. Seriously though, I hope you save the world

Did you watch him flounder around trying to debate Ken Hamm? Neither of them are actually intelligent.

Is that what he did? Flounder? Maybe it's my bias and disdain for religion but i didn't see floundering.

Nope, as I actually watched the debate.

I watched it too, and both were retarded.

couldn't upvote this enough, it's a sad fact. I'm also tired of him ruining what was once a great space-related podcast , startalk is crap now.

Illiterate albino Chuck Nice ruins that podcast more than any other could hope to. I can't believe that he's a working comedian

Maybe if scientists weren't such dickweeds we would be able to find more than one of them with half a personality.

Goddamnit OP I had a good one but you butchered it already

PM me it, please.

Nonono I am not the size of the hole in the sun

There is a gigantic hole in his fucking ego that he feels the need to fill at everyone elses expense.

I cannot wait until he gets shitcanned, divorced and living in a boarding house in Jersey City.

Opie or Neil?

He thinks the sun is a rocky body like a planet, doesn't he?

I have to agree that science communicators are highly overrated, (although fun and appreciated). People take their words over people who actually do the research and win Nobel prizes

~♫~ ♫ But those big ol' headlights shine on ~♫ ~♫

That Kaku segment that's on YouTube is peak annoying Opie. He asks four or so questions in the hour and they are all sub-middle school questions. Even worse than his standard "where you at with the aliens?"

he probably once heard a deep track called Black Hole Sun, by a band named Soundgarden.
