Vic Henley blatantly steals Mitch Hedberg joke and gets a laugh

0  2015-10-23 by Bombbonne

"Escalator now stairs" joke and even words it just like Mitch did. Kind of left a sour taste in my mouth. They weren't even talking about broken escalators and he jumps in with the stolen joke. Mitch is a legend and should be given credit where credit is due.



thermite paint, WAIT WAIT WAIT, peckahs, tsk tsk, SLOBBO

There that should cover it.

He did credit it to Hedberg at least.

He did? I did not hear that. If that's true it makes it a bit more tolerable. I'll have to go back an listen because I do not remember him every mentioning that.

Yeah, he specifically mentioned it was a Mitch Hedberg bit.

Apparently the blind rage this subreddit has taught me has also made me deaf

He literally started off by say "Hedberg had this great joke..." you deaf retard.

Yeah, he something like it reminds him of a Mitch Hedberg joke. I didn't have a problem with it because of that.



They were talking about broken escalators and he said that reminded him of a Mitch Hedberg joke.

What is it like to suck a skeletons nuts?