The biggest mistake O&A&J made is assuming that we care about hearing their opinions

23  2015-10-23 by pootsforever

Hey dummies, no one listens to your shows to hear your riveting opinions about politics, sports, or race relations. I never thought "you know what, he makes a good point" when Jimmy is pontificating about some serious topic. They assume the audience wants to hear their opinions about Bruce Jenner or police shootings. Well whatever I'll go back and listen to old Jocktober episodes.


Opie is just a moron, but I think James truly thinks he's this knowledgeable, intelligent person because he can speak in a particular tone of voice and give a lame middle of the road opinion that will make EVERYONE happy!

He thinks he is smart because he has been in a room filled with morons for the past 15 years.

Ant is no genius, but it was rare he wasn't the smartest in the room.

Ant was considered smart because he would recite shit he saw on discovery. But everything Ant offered in knowledge could also of been offered by Danny who is another low life that thinks he's smart because he to watches myth busters.

Anthony seemed smart because he was the type of person who would know that Islam was not created in 1500 AD and that there isn't a giant hole in the sun.

Anthony seemed smarter because he could articulate himself better.

thats not saying much.

Jimmy is smarter than Ant, I would wager.

I declare a special Olympics to find out

Im not liberal not conservative, just middle of the worm

His opinions are based on which one can get him them pay check

All you niggas listen everyday so yeah, they're justified in assuming you care about their opinions.

I really wonder what percentage of us niggas listen errday (or at all). probably less than 10%

Yeah, pretty much this, except Opie. I scream at Ant and Jim plenty about how dumb they are but Opie was just such a dullard.

The Opie Docs series really pissed me off because its mere existence suggests Opie knows anything about docs, when he's one of those Rogany guys that clicks shit on Netflix and thinks they're an expert. ME: I'm all OUT with the sugar!

Go home Sherrod.

I care. when opie said "most cops are good! Period sniff" i was really inspired as I never thought of it that way before

If Opie wants to talk about sports, he does it in the worst way possible. He's not capable of making it funny, and has zero knowledge of anything going on in sports. So it just comes down to "where we at with the mets" sniff* "wha wha the giants record again". "that chase utley slide was illegal. period." Just boring new york sports headlines being reiterated. They did this on Monday for an hour and it was so bad. I like Florentine but that was his worst appearance, but I can't even blame him. It's all Opie's fault. Fucking asshole millionaire can't prep for the topic by looking up the giants team record ahead of time? I guess anything to kill 15 seconds of airtime. Opie gets paid either way.

Opie's too dumb to talk baseball sabermetrics, couldn't break down a football play if his life depended on it, and has no clue how to figure out the salary cap in the NBA. So if he can't do any of that, or make it funny, why does he bring up new york sports in the first place? Just leave it alone

Anthony sucks at politics too. When Howard and Robin would cover the news, the only reason for it was to set up Fred and Arite/Jackie into ripping whatever the topic was. Anthony actually thinks he's some right wing version of Jon Stewart, except he doesn't even try to make it funny half the time.

Fucking Zits is so invested in his news opinions like the faggot he is. You'd think he could spend 30 minutes reading a news article that's more than 200 words and bring something new to the show, but no. Instead, Zits will stick to the twitter-news discussion with the depth of 140 characters, and focus his energy and evenings on retweeting the "stop white genocide" girl like every other jobless, no skill, perpetually unemployed, aspergers cunts he can find in the bottom of the barrel with the hopes of somehow getting a DM and inviting them to the compound. Fucking 60 year old loser playing around on twitter every evening.

All these political thinkers and authors Joe Rogan has on his podcast, you don't think they're looking to plug their books or their projects as much as possible? Half of these great guests Rogan has on his show would jump to do another podcast with a large audience, but why would Anthony have any of them on? There's only 3 options with guests like those (#1 the Opie route - don't prep and just fake it by kissing their ass,#2 the Cumia route - don't prep and throw around the same talking points that work with Joe the Plumber but not Piers Morgan, or #3 - get off twitter, and actually prep for a new guest with new topics and new ideas.

By why would Zits do that? Why read Sam Harris's new book and book him as a quest on TACS if you want to be a political guy when you can just play on twitter all night, and play pretend as the right wing Jon Stewart?

Ant's ass lick sycophants think political talk is just headline race and gun discussions, so why book guests that will make you work? Ant could do half the work Joe Rogan does, and make just as much money with Legion of Skanks and Gavin keeping the cash coming in.

Nice novel, Bukowski.

(but you're right)


Holy shit dude.....

This is right on point! ( just read it you fucking slobs)

I remember when they had Piers Morgan on. If memory serves, Piers was a slimy cunt and whenever he was faced with an inconvenient statistic, he would change the subject.

Jim thinks he's smart because he's read like five biographies of Ozzy Osbourne

Their old mantra during the early XM days was you don't go to cnn for dick joked and you don't come to us for news.

I AGREE, I only give a fuck about the dark comedy they would spit all these years.... Also some well thoughout opinions (only if they were delivered in a rageful, quick FUNNY way). MY BIGGEST fuckin beef w the show now is humor is second, they would rather maintain a relationship w some B list actor than go for an off color joke. That was the reason anyone here listened in the first place, where else can u hear regular brutal yet "smart" gallows humor....

By "we" do you mean the obsessives on this board that parse and analyze every single word spoken on this show? In that case, I think people here very much care about their opinion. Just saying.


Real talk that speaks to the greater hypocrisy at work. Contemporary media banks on opinion as a commodity, it's easier to write and takes less thought to read. It's more 'fun.' It validates the readers prejudices and sense of worth without effort. In a word, it's entitlement. (ironically entitlement as a cultural concern is promoted by media outlets completely steeped in this other form of entitlement.)
So O&A&J always bragged about their lack of show prep and they see this hot take cash grab all around them and they confuse what was the ease through skill and luck that their comedic sensibility was en vogue at the time as the same, lazy, opinion driven content. The reality was their lack of show prep was actually the quality of their chemistry, the strength of their audience, and just their overall practice. They did lots of show prep without knowing it. That chemistry derailed, their brand of humor isn't relevant, and their too goddamn old and lazy to do the work to get any of it back. SO what you're left with is three uninformed assholes shit hammering stock lines into topical hot takery. And it's terrible. And I dont even have the station book marked anymore and havent paid for any of this in forever.

I care about Ant's opinions on niggers.