Ok, the O+J show blows...however...

9  2015-10-23 by nataskaos

This "steam room" show is the worst fucking thing that I've ever heard. Just terrible.


The fact that I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about makes me very happy.

Opie is going full fucking Howard. Reminds me of Scott Ferrall's shitty night time sports show on Howard 101

This has Stangel stink all over it. Let me guess , that pfcommenter guy they've been pushing. Would be terrible if someone were to Jocktober his facebook page.


The Stangels have been pushing for this?

One of them mentioned this jerkoff several times out of fucking nowhere last month. Said he was a big fan of this twitter fag.

The guy is a fucking hack.

I haven't heard the show because I don't subscribe to that garbage product but you are all fucking retarded if you actually take PFTcommenter seriously. I hate how Tits somehow got his freckled ginger hands on the PFTcommenter brand but his online presence is legitimately great.

It's PFTCommenter. If you're taking what he says at face value you're a rube.

I have no idea who he is. What does this mean?

I only listened to the first episode, but I couldn't believe that it was 100% scripted from start to finish. That's not what the radio is for.


They gave him a SECOND show? Did he say it was scripted?

Not sure what you're asking.

I listened to the first episode of The Steam Room. His show was pretty clearly pre-recorded and scripted out with constant bumpers and production elements. His "callers" were all SXM employees asking pre-written questions.

I guess I was surprised when you said first episode... I thought that meant last night was the second one.

The tweet; "the #Steamroom is gonna be hot take central 2night folks.Finally a NFL talk show for MEN. 1 hour from now. Sirius206 XM103. Keep ur towel on" doesn't appeal to you? What are you, not gay?

That's the bit. It's a wry urbanite doing a Colbert act but as a knuckle dragging hot take football fan. It's even less funny than it sounds. It's funny because he says "a elite quarterback" instead of "an elite quarterback" don't you see??? I guarantee Opie doesn't get not-a-one of the "jokes." And come to think of it the guy's whole act is very Harry Hater.

what the fuck does "hot take" mean?

A modern sports talk term that's shorthand for a shitty controversial opinion meant to elicit negative feedback. Like anything Skip Bayless has ever said.

ah I got it. don't know who this Skip Bayless character is, but thanks


All the "smart" people in here not realizing what PFTcommenter is.

And that is?

It's satire on sports http://www.sbnation.com/authors/pft-commenter. If you're into that sort of thing there isn't much better trolling than him. He's gotten kicked out of all the debates so far and is pretty funny. Seen people comparing to Ferall when he's making fun of people like Ferral.

Oh. It clearly doesn't come across as satire at first listen.

Do you guys think he's a bit of a one-trick pony?

tss if his one trick is suicide, i'd be glued to the radio

who hosts? let me guess nobody that knows a thing about sports?

A guy that officially goes by his Twitter handle... all you need to know


Of course this is from the Stankels! How are they remotely qualified to do anything in radio, no experience what so ever, they wrote (poorly) for SNL and Letterman. They never got another sitcom/talk show going in the 5 year production deal they got with Letterman. They have had ZERO success outside Letterman. This new Harry Connick show will BOMB!

Has anyone tuned into the documentree show?

I turned it on yesterday from mad dog, listened to about 5 minutes of it and turned it back off. Awful.

The guy was out of breath less than a minute in. This was terrible.

I didn't listen this week, but his first show had a few laughs. I legit lol'd when he said "Tune in next week when we take a call from the prison Ray Lewis should be in right now"

That's the bit. It's a wry urbanite doing a Colbert act but as a knuckle dragging hot take football fan. It's even less funny than it sounds. It's funny because he says "a elite quarterback" instead of "an elite quarterback" don't you see??? I guarantee Opie doesn't get not-a-one of the "jokes." And come to think of it the guy's whole act is very Harry Hater.


I guess I was surprised when you said first episode... I thought that meant last night was the second one.