ME "[Wall-E] is a great movie"

0  2015-10-22 by hate_is_real_

"Wonderful animation"

ok opie, you fucking simpleton.


Opie doesn't care about anything. It's like listening to a stripper talk about philosophy. His perspective is based on nothing but forcing words to come out of his dumb mouth.

I wanna see the robot movie.

I got a Roomba in my house!

It is a good movie though.

Is it?

Ya it really is.

It is a good movie though.

for children


Of course the 60 year father of a two toddlers loves these fuckin Disney and Pixar movies. Opie sums up everything I loathe about people who have kids. They somehow revert back into having the palate of children once they become parents.

i believe this to be the case 96% of the time. However, i firmly believe that the unfunny albatross known as Gregg "Opie's Tits" Hughes truly enjoys these types of movies because he has the IQ of a child.

Eh heh heh heh I got a palate for children too. Suuuuuuuure


It's not good animation. It's animating robots. There's not a lot of squash and stretch with that, it's just the mathematics of the components you're animating. Opie's a retard.

Ratatouille has way better animation.

i..... guess? what do you mean? robots have less moving, organic parts to animate?


Except he's wrong. It is fantastic animation and great character design. Just because the pushing of the form is restricted due them being mechanical beings doesn't mean they are somehow sub-par in their ability to express emotion and create believable and engaging action compared to their organic counterparts.

Also in the later part of the film humans are introduced and they are also animated well, so I'm not sure what his issue is.

Wall-E IS a great movie. It presented a highly likely future for the human race, and told the story almost exclusively with the emotion and animation of the characters. Who for the most part were mutes.

The arc was brilliant, too. A perfect love story. The Wall-E and EVA robots literally complete each others purposes.

There are plenty of shitty mindless children's movies. Wall-E is not one of them.

go fuck yourself, you embarrassing hipster cunt

"hate is real"

"Hipster cunt?" Stand back everybody. We have ourselves a badass. Right here in our midst. He wouldn't be caught dead watching an animation, you embarrassing hipsters.

Be quiet, you nonce. The act is transparent and embarrassing.

"We have a badass over here" (unoriginal internet meme faggotry)

"nonce" (shit here's a word i don't see too often, better save it for later so i can look cool and smart on the internets!)

"WALL E is a good movie." (proceeds to give a roger ebert-esque movie critique of it.)

I hope you end up jawless just like roger ebert. Since youre a eurofaggot ill link you to his wiki page.

Now shut the fuck up about your cartoons, hipster cunt.

Now try again.

dance for me nigger

Boondock Saints is a great movie, Goodfellas is a great movie, the original Taken was a great movie.

Wall-E is a fucking kids movie, for people with 10 year old mentalities, that is nothing to be fucking proud of, unless you are doing daddy radio.

Opie and Breuer should hook up and fuck, them two would love to do an emasculated housedad radio show, where they talk about Disney movies and Spongebob with genuine enthusiasm.

You tried to name three great movies and two of the examples you gave were Taken and Boondock Saints. What the fuck is wrong with you?

I was gonna say. Boondock Saints is entertaining, but considering it a "great movie" is completely indicative of a high school mentality.

Taken sucks ass, I know some people like it but its far from a classic and nothing compared to goodfellas

Boondock Saints is a great movie

Taken was a great movie


Compared to fucking Disney movies. Yes those movies are genius, fuck off.

I was stating adult type movies, to Opies kiddie tastes.

Fuck you all, I liked those movies, cheap fucking entertainment. Same reason I still infest a dead radio show sub reddit, cheap easy fun.

So you are defending Opie in his taste in Disney movies?

(edit) I should have named some Tarantino flicks. He is gold nearly every time. Or is this sub that fickle?

movies like taken and boondock saints are movies for adults who think like children.

you can add fight club to that

definitely. that movie resonating with any man older than his early 20s is a sign of trouble.

Like I said cheap entertainment.

I love how you all try to shit on me, but whatever, I do not give a fuck.

I hold my position, I want a dumb shoot em up, I get it with those films, fuck you monkeys and your insults.

Well you just reverted to being as retarded as opie

Fine. I'll add Fury to the list. You are a cunt looking to just insult someone, ignoring the original context of the post, But we are used to bottom dwellers like you. Comparing someone to opie is easy upvotes, who is the fucking hack here?

really though, Taken is not a good movie and if you think that it is you're dumb

really though, Taken is not a good movie and if you think that it is you're dumb