Sammy Roberts forced to go to the west coast

3  2015-10-22 by Dennyislife

Poor Sammy. Sirius made him do the show on the other side of the country. I assume this is a test run for him moving full time like Opie said.


Won't see him no more

He's gone, and there was nothing we could do.

It was between the Italians. Real greaseball shit b

📞💥📞💥📞💥 🚪💨🏃

Whatdoyoumean? Whatdoyoumean?

There's only one mongoloid here.

Nobody listens anyway, the show location is meaningless

well obviously. Makes it even shittier to uproot someone for a filler radio show

Especially since they'll probably fire him before too long anyway.

I wouldn't be surprised if his parents sell their house & moved to the west coast to be close to their baby.

Those chicken tenders aren't going to cook themselves.

Sam's gay brother left alone? Mother would worry too much

East Side Dave's gay brother lives here. He's a staff writer for LA Weekly. Patrick Range MacDonald.

(Not sure why Im getting downvoted. It's a true story, wtf!)

Sam is LYING about being forced to move. He knows that OPIE is floundering and wants to get back in SCORCH'S good graces!!!

SCORCH won't take that TALENTLESS loser back though. Scorch already has a full staff, including the guy that voiced "Michael Hunt" in GTA3 (oh, how clever GTA writers are, huh?), an actress and model who also works in education, and the guy who presented the LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD to TOMMY CHONG at a stupid local weed party. He doesn't have ROOM for another person who isn't FUNNY.

Scorch knows what sam is trying to do.

I always got annoyed hearing Sam make fun of Scorch, he hasn't earned the right. Sam has been doing basically about 80 Hours of radio a week for over a decade & he wouldn't even be qualified to sit on Scorch's couch.

you have to really respect scorch's drive for mediocrity.

They Pete Campbell'd him?

Too bad he wasn't JFK'd

All that, and his smugness. Also his face is displeasing on my eyes.

So is Sam is Pete/JFK, who is Nixon/Don?

Sam's parents aren't rich.And he was suckin opies dick for the last 10 years, so you cant say he didnt work for it.But His show is just palaver.

It was a Mad Men reference you plen.

Black and to the left...

Of the country that is!



bravo, sir.

Pete was one of my favorite characters. The "Signal 30" episode is a masterpiece.

Forgive me for not believing you assholes, but is there legitimacy to this? Evidence please. Some of us ended our subscription 14 months ago.

I wanna know this too

Looks like that lucrative career in radio broadcasting in the 21st century maybe wasn't the greatest of career choices, especially when you have the voice and charisma of a plank of wood.

Yeah he acts like he's some pro broadcaster when he sounds like a fucking weasel and his show is horrendous

His caveman looks should go over really well in LA.


Fuck the cunt.

Good advice all 'round I say

Good riddance. He's talentless, likes dinosaur shaped foods and is entertained by wrestling like he's a 13 year old redncek

Great career decision to put all his eggs in Opie's basket.

Sorry sir, but that mulatto's womb is barren.

Hopefully it's the end of the line for this faggot

I was listening last night, and realized that Sam can't do radio without the phones. They were having trouble getting a clear connection, and it was obvious that Sam needs the phones to get through a show. He spent wayyyyy to much time under titty boy.

But his wife called in... thus, then... ending speculation he's divorced.

Sammy Roberts is broadcasting live from pro wrestling guerilla!

He is a pro wrestling gorilla. Well, half anyways.

ding ding ding

Sam is good friends with Maria Menounos and Keven Undergaro who run and operate the fairly succesful AfterBuzz podcast/internet tv show network plus have several friendships with A-list celebs.

Could SXM be pushing Sammy out on the west coast just for the sake of getting easy access to Maria's friendships?

Good thought but three days ago SXM signed Maria to host a show:

See, a connection! :)

How fucking great would it be if Jess didn't want to leave her career & family, so she files for divorce?

She's frumpy and I think he !might have been fucking that other chick , doubt he would care

yeah, I was expecting so much more from her after how much they talked about her being so fucking hot. hard 6 nigga, but better than he deserves

lol if he moves out there and they end up replacing him.

You're nobody til the Stangels relocate you.

First they hold off on giving him a show for like a decade - but Sam sits and waits patiently anyway. Then they change his show's time slot to a ridiculous hour - and he zips his lip and says it's actually probably a good thing. Now they're apparently telling him that the West Coast is the best option for his show to really thrive.

The company has been trying to not-so-subtly nudge Sam out of the company for almost ten years with these insulting offers, and yet he accepts them every time. What the hell??

Look at Davey Mac's career for the alternative.

Why is everyone acting like this is bad for Sam? Weaselish shit-stirring faggots like him do great out here!

I hope Bennington is forced to make the move next. The further they are away from the Sirius XM headquarters, the better.

I wanna know this too