What a life Bobo and his family live...

18  2015-10-22 by drunk8gods


What an appropriate time for a "we heard you".

Better response: I'm a middle aged woman still renting a duplex with a developmentally disabled son who fixates on a self destructing classless racist and a tow headed humorless autistic, let me have my joy where I find it.

In his tiny pekka

What a fucking 1983 insult Bobo's mom used on that guy.

Well, that's the right year's mindset of a Mets world series anyway.

What's even more odd is that I know which neighbors he's talking about and they're from India. Maybe they're Russian Indians ( Tsss...why don't they slow down or sumpthin )?

Tss, yeah I heard they took a vacation to Turkey, cause they was Hungary, tss.

Tsss...yeah then they went to Romania coz they thought Ant would be there celebratin his mudda or sumpthin

Tssss I went to dat celebration to Czech out the food but they put too much Greece on the Turkey cuz they wanted to Sweden the taste or something.

what an even worse life you live: following bobo and posting his comments.

Following a retard and obsessing about what he does is not a new thing for this sub

Game, Set, Match!

Fawkin buried that cawksucka. go to break Bobo

Is Bobo throwing a runtime error, again?

If you're not on bobo's side you're not a real sports fan.

He was Russian through da joke... tss


Fuck that anthony cumia reality show lets add bobo, big a, lady di, Jimmy Norton.

And cut aways of Opie in his bathroom making Harry Hater videos every now and then.

They've banned the exploitation of freaks like that on TV, best we get is dumb radio bits.

Bettow cheeow dey fwo da baw day chase da baw WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I bet the neighbors are still mad because they told Bobo "don't lock the door when I go out to smoke." And Bobo was all "I locked the door anyway just to spite him!"


I hope idiot and wife called the cops.