Just to be sure. We're all watching this season of South Park right?

13  2015-10-22 by maynardsabeast

if someone dares come in here and say a bad word about South Park I won't respond. But I will truly wish death on you


I have been enjoying this season a lot more than I thought. The new continuity style and introducing Shi Tpa Town and SoDoSoPa has been awesome.

I like the new format. Too bad they didn't switch to it 10 years ago when it started being mediocre. I still watched all those years because of their takes on current events, but it was more out of curiosity than an expectation to laugh.

How do you get here, do you ride your tiny bicicleta?

Boogers and Cum is a catchy little number

A fucking toe tapper to the fullest

Nowhere near as good as "Stangels & Tits".

The latest episode was about Opie.

Opes in his safe space, he won't see this comment.

Buckle up buckaroo

That show's a lil' too blue for me. 'Lil too blue

I don't work blue.

tonight's was the best this season, and it's been a pretty damn good season

toniguts ep was dead on for opie too

Yep. Only thing on TV that's good. Even Tosh.0 is suckin

It is back on my DVR this season. Good so far.

there is a big hole after season 10. 7-10 was the most amazing shit ever. the first 3 eps of season 19 were really tight though. haven't seen 5, did not like 4 so much, but was ok.

4 was weak for me too. But 5 is right back on point

You PC, bro?

Lovin this season

First two episodes were great. 3rd was meh. Last weeks was terrible. Haven't seen tonight's yet.

Sometimes I think South Park episodes are meh, and then I watch them a second time and laugh my balls off. A lot of hidden gems all over. Tiny little things that you catch later on. I watched the Butters creamy goo episodes today (where they make football into a fag game) and after Randy drinks Butters goo, i fucking died upon Second viewing

Sidebar, I don't work in the food industry but I talked to a dude at work that owns a restaurant and just telling him about the episode (with yelp and shit) he was dying. Apparently small businesses hate yelp and they even shake them down for good ratings

Its well known that you can pay extra to yelp to remove bad reviews from your page

Apparently Yelp is now suing them for that episode


It jumped shark for me back in 2009. Haven't bothered since.

This season is back with avengeance. Just check out the newest one

They're BACK! And they're better than ever

Best season in quite a while, think Matt & Trey are finally finding their way again

Always loved South Park, but just like the Simpsons they got lost for a few years there. I'm still early in the current season but so far it feels as sharp as the old episodes.

South Park sucks and you're a faggot.

Good contribution the Opie and Anthony subreddit, self indulgent cunt.

Same to you, ya jizz huffer.

Your attempting to be auteur of what can go up in the illustrious O&A subreddit and the only one bitching and I'm the self indulgent cunt? Okay ironic hall monitor

I'm your superior, cunt. Go fuck your whore mother.

Who the fuck are you, shitwad?