Joe Rogan.

0  2015-10-21 by apanmannen

Thoughts on that unfunny person?


Great at podcasting, subpar at standup.

Average game show host, mediocre sitcom actor.

Good interviewer, formerly good standup, sells snake oil to kids who are afraid to get real drugs, does the Rollins/Hicks pompous pseudo-humility thing pretty convincingly for a brain-fogged stoner slash monstrously failed hormone experiment, looks foul-smelling.

Undercover fag

Undercover fag

Manlet cuckold who used to be listenable but now is just a sad SJW shell of his former self.

I listen to his podcast when he has guests on I like, his stand up doesn't make me laugh. He's a knowitall that pretends to be more open-minded than he really is.

Rogan = Kony

It's hilarious the way he stumbles over basic, highschool-level science terms or concepts. The funny part is that the rabid section of his fanbase doesn't know any better. They haven't read a book since they flunked out of highschool and got a warehouse job either. If only his fanbase of impressionable young men could see what an idiot Rogan sounds like to anyone with any knowledge in the field. His comments on neurology and nutrition are as spectacularly ignorant as when he claimed France has a population of a million, or when he absolutely butchers foreign pronunciations or makes ignorant comments about people/places/cultures. I think what a lot of Rogan's fans need to realise is that it's ok to not know the actual mechanisms behind things like neurotransmitters or neurology. It's a complicated field of study. What is not ok is to defend Rogan's stupidity when deep down you know that you have no idea what Rogan is saying. When the vast majority of experts and people in a field say that what Rogan says is bullshit, don't jump up like yapping lapdogs to his defence. Who do you think is likely right, the guy who thinks the moon landings were fake or people who actually work as rocket scientists?

Him getting all alpha male with Gavin pissed me off. I'm talking about when Gavin started shitting on L.A. and Rogan got all defensive saying he'd drag Gavin around by his tie. Rogan tries to give this impression that he's mellow and chill but he really isn't.

That really bugged me too

Same shit happened with Milo when religion was brought up. He's too dumb to realize what the argument is sometimes. Milo was saying that religion is culturally ingrained in us whether we like it or not and Joe was arguing that there is no way Noah could have fit all those animals in a boat.

Than how did he fit all those animals on the boat? I think Joe is jealous that Noah had better understanding of spatial logistics.