Joe Rogan's thoughts on a subscription based podcast.

9  2015-10-21 by [deleted]



I actually think that Anthony charging a monthly fee is the smarter thing for him to do. You can talk about how it stifles growth potential if you want; the problem is, I don't think Anthony's show is really good enough for that to be an issue. Anthony is able to milk out what he can from his rabid fanbase that probably wouldn't grow much regardless of what he charges for his show; it's probably the best he's going to be able to do.

That's the thing that everyone misses when they bitch about the subscription model. It's not like TACS had this amazing potential for growth that was stifled by a paywall.

He's not wrong. You could make it a penny a month, still would hurt your listener count. People have very little patience with this shit. They see a clip, get interested, see they need to have paypal hooked up, and then they just move on. Make subscribing to your service as easy as humanly possible. You think anyone signed up for the 60 dollar podcast after seeing Ant's clip about SNL on reddit? Fuck no. If his podcast was free that could have been a nice boost.

TACS doesn't have the appeal to generate enough consistent views as a free product to equal or surpass the revenue he is getting from his small subscriber base paying subscription fees.

Make subscribing to your service as easy as humanly possible.

I literally put in my card info and that was it, same as it is on any other site



u da real mvp

Anthony's business model...even IF he's doing ok now...isn't sustainable. He has no ability to grow his subscriber base behind a paywall, and eventually even those of you who pay now, will most likely find other forms of entertainment at some point.

Rogan is 100% right regarding this issue, and the Netflix analogy is accurate as hell. Netflix is providing first class, in house series, stand up specials, and other content for just a bit more than Anthony wants for his shit show. It's actually an absurd price point...but it's only as absurd as those willing to pay. I doubt there's that many of them.

Oh, and every point Rogan made, I believe came from Big Jay when Ant first started TACS. If I recall correctly, Rogan was telling Jay that he was wrong and making no sense...because Rogan as usual was high as shit, and couldn't comprehend what Jay was saying until Terrence McKenna re-explained it to him during a DMT trip.

Yeah he really alienated his core audience like a douche: working class whites.

Sorry Ant, but I already work 9 hours a day manual labour to feed my kids and make sure they have the latest gadgets so they don't become victims in the playground. I don't have spare cash to throw your way to watch your hideous acne-scarred mug on my TV, phoning in a shitty product every day so that you can keep your fucking hot tub working for the weekend.

Fuck yourself, dickhead.

Um, you have kids?

Nobody cares about your dumb kids, I hope they're raped and killed

Ow the edge.

I think you're on the wrong sub buddy

Netflix also uses state of the art technology and has a really slick website and apps on multiple devices. Ants stuff looks like web design circa early-2000's, which is dumb because it's never been cheaper to hire people to do top notch web work.

Anthony's business model...even IF he's doing ok now...isn't sustainable.

So he can make it all free if subs dry up. Except at that point he'll have piled up thousands of dollars that wouldn't be there otherwise. If he followed Carolla's model he'd be thousands of dollars in the hole by now.

He has no ability to grow his subscriber base behind a paywall,

Two FREEEEE podcasts each week aren't enough? I thought FREEEEEEE was the answer to everything.

Rogan's thinking is about 3 years out of date. In 2015 plenty of people subscribe to some type of specialized web service for a small fee.

Anthony thinks he's being a smart, business-minded capitalist by making people subscribe.

Hey dummy. You're making much less money this way.

Do a fucking live read for Sherry's Berries.

Rogan is correct. However his product is different than Ant's because he can use the podcast to pump up his standup income. Guys like him and Burr went from doing Funny Bones to multi-night theater gigs primarily due in large part to the increased popularity from their podcasts (and UFC for Rogan).

Anthony has nothing else; the podcast is his only product. He isn't a touring stand up act. Maybe I'm wrong but I doubt the live reads will ever bring in enough cash to support his lifestyle, pay the studio rent, pay the staff, and equipment.

Anthony's business model is shitty but I don't know if has any viable alternatives. I'm guessing he's hoping the podcast will keep his name out there for a potential return to radio at some point.

The sooner he gets back on radio the better. Almost certainly will have to be terrestrial radio unless SXM has new management.

I made a post a while back about how another jock, Art Bell, is syndicating himself out of his house. I feel like Ant should look into that.

If you relate this to TACS- I am a subscriber from the start and I would not be butt hurt if he converted to non-sub format. However, do those Harry's razors and dick pump ads pay the bills?

There are other free podcast networks that are really successful, Chris Hardwick Nerdist network, Adam Carolla's VPN, SModcast Network, the thing is that most of these guys are doing other things. I don't think Anthony is as ambitious where he wants to be doing 9 other things, and do his show mon-thurs. He already has the people who are guaranteed to subscribe to him, it seems to be enough for him to live comfortably and he's good with that.

Your right, Anthony is a bit lazy and is happy to hold on to old O&A fans rather than acquire new ones.

Anthony has millions from his O&A days. They always were highly paid. They were even paid while they were suspended. Then from 2006-2009, they were on FM and satellite.

I can see Ant trying to get back into bed with Opie down the line.

I stopped subscribing to TACS months ago but I would listen to a free show.


I think he should do a Free Friday show from the Compound. Something low production with maybe only an hour of content but as Opie says "just a taste". LOL fuck Opie.

Joe Rogan also thinks mushrooms are alien lifeforms that communicate with you when you ingest them.


ANTHONY doesn't have other revenue STREAMS. Popular podcasters, like JOE "I am smart because drugs" ROGAN, ADAM COROLLA, KEVIN SMITH, and JOE "the FOURTH MEMBER OF OnA" CUMIA, make money touring and doing live shows.

It isn't even like he can PULL in money. He doesn't have a SPONSOR "FAMILY". He isn't sought after for FILM, TV, and COMMERCIALS. He isn't going on TOUR. Anthony either needs to sell his show, like the popular syndicated show "SCORCH, MIKEY, and RUSS", or charge listeners.

Jimmy could do a podcast on the side, if he wasn't exclusivity'd, for free because he has touring to fall back on.

Cool use of caps.

Anthony could tour & do live shows. He'd be at least as good at it as Carolla. Anthony is a talented dude. It's just lots of hard work though. trust me, there are some pretty lousy podcasts charging money for tickets to live podcast tapings.

If he is happy with where he's at & the money he is getting from his subscribers than good for him. I always found it kinda creepy when listeners start doing the math & speculating how much he needs to make or wants to make. If he's not making enough, he'll either downgrade his lifestyle or figure something else out. His bank account doesn't mean shit to me

I really want a TACS tour. It doesn't have to be multiple cities. Hell if it were a week in Vegas every year I'd go!

Yeah you're right, the Joe Cumia model of podcasting is definitely something to look further into

I wish he had the ability to do a show like Scorch. I think that is Anthony's ultimate goal. A PFG like show that draws big syndication money.

I understand both sides of this argument. But what it boils down to is how many subscribers there are compared to how much Anthony needs to make for him to be happy doing it that way.

I personally would have thought a trademarked show or series of related shows on an existing media platform would be the best way to expose the show and its talent while making money off of short ads and second level merchandise. However his social views would make that difficult. The only way he is going to be able to do the show he wants to do is if he has total control of it's content. Subscriptions are the only way he can do that.


If he had the option to choose his sponsors that would not be an issue. It's not like he is turning down Apple or BMW in favor of dick creams. He can't get major sponsors.


There's also talk about O&A that starts at 52:30 if anyone cares.


Your day has come again


boohoo my reddit points.

prove it