Reddit bros accuse Amy Schumer of stealing jokes: “Cornelius Augustus Von Meyerbeer III” was pissed at Schumer for making fun of his kind in her “Hello M’lady” sketch"

1  2015-10-21 by BoboOrban6


So if he "failed miserably" why did this cunt waste the time to write the article?

lol, I see your comment in the article, "Torpid Sloth"

What an idiot. That is why Schumer adds a little moralizing to her jokes. The guy literally needed her to point out that it was rape in order for him to laugh. (at the rapist, always punching up remember).

I disagree that she's a bad performer. She just figured out how to adapt to her dumb audience, and left the rest of us cheap cunts behind. Her audience are the kinds of people that are trying to popularize "/s" to denote when someone is being sarcastic. .