Just one reason why Opie will never reach Howard's level

36  2015-10-21 by JunkerHQ

If Gavin would've slammed Howard on Joe Rogans show, Howard would play the tape and respond. Opie pretends he does know anything about it.



I'll give you one: talent.

Not even that, just the ability to pronounce words.

"Rudimentary grasp of the English language"


Howard, and many other people on radio and TV, have a way about them that you are confident they can talk about something or get through an interview with anyone comfortably and hold their own and keep it going and interesting for a long time. Opie has the complete opposite of that. He seems constantly on the verge of crumbling into awkward silence..even when he has Jimmy to do most of it. You could pick people off the street that could do better than him at his job.

You mean like when Tyson opened up and talked about being sexually abused and all the Oqster had was ".....awk-warrrrrrd..."

That was another good one from The Opester, bro!

I can't believe he actually thought he could host the tonight show, than when he was actually on he was a bumbling moron and ant had to carry the whole thing

Exactly. Even putting those two names in the same sentence is ridiculous.

Opie is a sixty-three year old man, he doesn't need the hassle at this point.

You knocked a few years off.

He's a child IN his 80s.

Howard can smash Joe Rogan and his podcast because he is bigger than him and holds more clout.

Opie cannot smash Joe Rogan, because he is on a paid service and has 10% of the listeners that Joe has on his (free) podcast.

Opie is a fucking vulture, or jackal, he only attacks the sick or dying, and hides from anything higher than him on the predator chain.

Why would anyone bash Rogan? We're talking about Gavin here.

EDIT: Opie is a vulture though

I know, I was calling Opie a pussy, and being scared of Rogans "Numbahhhs" to ever address anything on that show.

Howard would be fearless with it, he might do the old: "who's this Gavin Guy, Vice? I never heard this Rogan guy.

Robin: He calls UFC fights

Howie: Never heard of it, is that cagefighting...

Robin: ohhhh hoo hoo, yessss Howard.

Tss, a real cultah vultah! Take us out, Erock!

I seriously doubt Howard gets 11 million listeners a show. He's not bigger than Rogan, at this point.

What's Opie going to conjure up to defend himself? He literally can't string together a sentence without stuttering, losing his train of thought, or having to suddenly gasp for air because he forgot to breathe.


yeah he reminds me of a person that is tripping really hard on some shit and can't function. stuttering, thought loops, inability to convey even the most basic thoughts, etc.

Howard actually has talent. Listened to his show yesterday during my evening commute (Opie replays the same exact content from 8am-9am as 5pm-6pm - fucking idiot). Howard had Jimmy Kimmel on and threw him a party with wackpackers. Howard can actually interview very very well, and the production bits (songs, soundes) were pretty funny..

Was more entertaining than worm being politically correct and Opie sniffing.

I read both subs and oddly enough the only place you hear positive comments about O&J is on the Howard sub from pissed off fans of his. Almost vice versa as well.

You can add Todd Pettingill and Brother Wease to the list of hacks who will never reach Howard's level.

Okay. Let's add Phil Hendrie too while we're just adding random radio guys.

Wat? Is that defending Joe rogan? No one would bash Phil, right?

I almost want Brother Wease (why do we say "Brother"?) to kill himself more than Opie. He ruined a great Patrice appearance and that is unforgivable

Let's not go overboard here. I think we all agree Brother Wease fucking stinks based on his pics posted here alone but to prefer him taking his own life over Opie doing the same is not rational thinking my friend.

you're absolutely right. I don't know what I was thinking.

Talent, self awareness, the ability to string a coherent sentence together in his native language. The list could go on. Never been a fan of Stern but he's an infinitely better broadcaster than solo Gregg. Always was, always will be.

Another reason; Opie isn't funny.

Howard Stern has been a bonafide star for like 30 years. a bunch of people heard of Opie 10-15 years ago. any comparison is ridiculous.

Howard got a gig on a weekly network TV show that millions of people watch. Opie was on a TBS show once.

that and he's not 1/1000th as talented.

Didn't Gavin act the same way? He was like "This Gregg, uh, Opie is it?" or something when discussing it on his show. It was kind of douchier because he's the one who keeps bringing it up.

yeah, as much as I hate Opie, it's like a stranger insulting your retarded child. you hate the kid and hope it dies, but the stranger is also an asshole

In terms of usefulness of contributing to a radio show I don't think he's even reached robins level yet

Opie knows that he is living in an inflated bubble....he couldn't handle responding to someone and creating n open debate. If started to trash Gavin he kind of knows more people would be on Gavin's side and hed get trashed. Better to fortify, just soldier on and not look or interact with the horrors around him. That actually work however the more he cuts himself off the more he becomes a disconnected rich guy living in a bubble and whose a opinion no one cares about because it isn't grounded in reality. You seeeeeeee.

Whobthe fuck is Gavin?

Gavin MacLeod, captain of the Love Boat. He and Opie have had a long standing feud since the early 80s because Opie stomped out Gopher's birthday cake on the Lido deck.

Nah, when Opie said "I never heard of the guy" that sounded like classic Howard lying. Like "I'm too famous for these little people below me to bother me."

But Howard would still play the tape. He claimed not to know who Ari Shafir was, but still played the tape and responded

Howard ignored O&A when they were on WNEW.

He also said Podcasting is for losers, while commenting on a clip from a podcast with far more listeners than he has.

His criticism of Ari Shaffir was on point. A mid 40's jewish comedian with almost no traction in the buisness is utterly pathetic. He had to ride the coattails of the fear factor guy and to get the small following he has. What's funny is he's a scrawny kike who just discovered weed and thinks he's some kind of hipster trendsetter. The tough guy act is beyond annoying also. Hes a scrawny jew with pipe cleaner arms and a rapidly receding hairline, no ones intimidated by him.

What is with your obsession with Ari? You've created several threads about Ari lately. Why are you putting so much energy into someone that has "almost no traction in the business"?

Its not like he's Opie or anything.

Obsession is the wrong word to use, especially on this sub. They're simply copy/paste threads and posts. I find him to be a completely talentless unfunny twat who stole Flappothegrates name from the legend. He also steals jokes while his claim to fame was 'calling out' a joke thief. He verbally and physically abuses people smaller than him on the totem poll while bowing down to anyone who can further his career, typical behavior from a Rogan lackey.


Small following that Joe Rogan has? Are you out of your mind? Rogan has like 12 million downloads a podcast. You sound silly saying things like that.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit

To be fair, your writing was rather misleading.


Yes those are all thing Howard will say. But he says them after playing the audio or reading the article bashing him.

Why would Opie reply to someone who is essentially using Opie to try and get some heat over and over. It would be like him tweeting the hi opie guy.

I don't know. O&A trashed Howard for years & Howard never played them & responsed

Wouldn't it be great if Stern went on Anthony's show, or vise versa? Fuck getting Pudding Tits and Ant "together again" Now, Ant and Stern.....hahahaha!

Nah, Howards played the don't know him, never heard him, not paying attention to him schtick plenty of times when clearly he knew who he was talking about. Howard chose to address Ari Shaffir because he's a fellow jew.

I think Tits handled this one correctly. No matter how untalented we think he is, the show, and him, have a pretty decent-sized fan base. I would bet that there are just not a large number who know who Gavin even is. personally, I do not Gavin. He is a hipster who thinks he is the smartest person in the room at all times. Why would Tits waste his time with someone that no one knows and give him some air time? All that would do is get more people to search Gavin out, find him and then jump on his hate for Tits.

No matter how untalented we think he is, the show, and him, have a pretty decent-sized fan base.

Honestly, I do not believe the show has much of a fanbase anymore. Of course there is the declining leftovers from O&A but that's being replaced with a sort of generic listening audience. These aren't 'fans' in any sense other than they will listen to the generic radio show and board operator 'host' their favourite celebrities.

But I suppose that amounts to something average overall. but he could be replaced with Denny and the generic listening demo average would stay the same.

not even being a dick here at all. not jocktobering but I really do think Board Op Opie is basically a nothing in terms of 'fanbase' at all.

I love that, while your post is truthfully taking up for Gregg "Opie" Hughes and the way that he is handling this non-situation, that he is still "Tits", and will always be "Tits".

Even if Howard would respond, it wouldn't make him look any better. He'll either lie or make some faggy response. Some woman called Howard out on hanging with Jennifer Aniston, and he made some biased rant that people are on his ass about.

Opie knows if he's responded to Gavin, he'd also act like a bitch, so he's wise enough to ignore it so he doesn't make himself look any worse than he already is. I wouldn't let him off easy, because if any DJ trashed the show in the past, he (or Anthony/Jim) wouldn't back down like cowards.

Please, let's stop acting like Howard is any better currently.

Howard only talked shit when they were off the air. He prefers soft targets and is almost as cowardly as the Opester.

you're absolutely right. I don't know what I was thinking.