I love that we bash Norton for defending Amy, but give CQ a pass.

2  2015-10-21 by smokinswindler

Bashing Norton and giving CQ is so awesome. We know most of them read the posts here or atleast know how the haters feel about them. It has to bother the fuck out of the worm that CQ is getting a free pass for giving the same opinion. People underestimate the power of this sub. We aren't going to get anyone fired, but we are stirring up enough shit to get people in the shows circle having to answer to the hate and talk about it. Anyone in the studio has to walk on major Greggshells constantly (mark normand mentioning cakestomp) and today Amy had a gang of paparazzi questioning her about Patrice. You could tell she was annoyed by her body language and how quickly she ended it. This guerilla jocktobering attack method has been great.


I honestly believe Amy didn't steal the joke since it's not Patrice's, but I love the heat she's getting.

Also, Jimmy is the only guy that I can't dislike no matter how annoying he is.

We've established that these jokes have been passed around so much at this point it's impossible to establish who originally wrote them. So it's kind of a victimless joke-theft, but still completely hack, especially to use as your closer.

Same jokes, same order is more what the issue is. Not the actual joke or saying or whatever. Same jokes, same order is more than a coincidence and to finish your fucking special with it is idiot anyway

cause CQ aint doing it to be tranny hooker guy #2 on Trainwreck Part Deux

you sure about that?

yea, because CQ was easily the best part in that shit movie so amy will probably kill to have him back. even bill hader sucked as bill hader and as a sports fan - i dont want to see lebron pretend he can act. he's in the top .1% of athletic people to ever be produced yet some hack jizzbag in hollywood thought "I'm sure he can be funny too!" no, no he can't....

Because I respect Colin and he's not wrong. Plus his defense was short and simple, yet very smart. Jim rambled on on a bulkshit Facebook post like he's some maestro of standup comedy when 91% of America doesn't even know who he is. You know he hoped it would be cited in articles defending Amy and that she'd thank him by making him a cab driver in her show

There is no way 9% of America knows who Jimmy is. I doubt even 9% of New York knows he exists.

I thought I'd cut him some slack

I bet 9% of comics know who he is.

Because I respect Colin and he's not wrong.

Jimmy wasn't wrong, either. It's all the first part. You don't like Jimmy, so even though he said the same thing that Colin did, you didn't like it.

Jimmy wasn't wrong, either. It's all the first part. You don't like Jimmy, so even though he said the same thing that Colin did, you didn't like it.

It's more about how much of a little white knight bitch Jimmy came off as then the act itself. I never disliked Jimmy and I assume most here did not either, but he came off as a fucking handlicking child in that exchange.

It's more about how much of a little white knight bitch Jimmy came off as then the act itself. I never disliked Jimmy and I assume most here did not either, but he came off as a fucking handlicking child in that exchange.

I honestly didn't see it that way at all. Everyone around here just thinks of Jimmy that way, so they shoehorn it into everything. Jimmy's being an animal-rights cunt lately? He must want Gervais to put him in movies!

Jimmy's being an animal-rights cunt lately? He must want Gervais to put him in movies!

That didn't come from thin air dude. Remember his quasi-ironic pestering of Kevin Smith. "Hey, I'm from New Jersey! New Jersey man!"

I didn't say it was wholly unwarranted. It just gets overblown and assumed to be the case in literally everything he does in a way that is probably unfair.

91% of America probably doesn't know who Colin is either. For fuck's sake if those two can't have a credible opinion on something standup related then what are we doing here?

Fucking our sisters, ladies and gentlemen

Colin hasn't been making incredibly shaky accusations against other supposed joke-thieves for years the way Jimmy has. Jimmy was all over SNL's ass on multiple occasions accusing them of stealing shit from the O&A show, and it wasn't even recognizable as the same bits. Jimmy is acting like she's so great she'd never use someone else's material, when obviously she does, it just happened to not originally have been Patrice's material either.

Colin hasn't been making incredibly shaky accusations against other supposed joke-thieves for years the way Jimmy has.

For years? The SNL Chip thing was literally the only time I remember him ever leveling that accusation.

When there was an awkward character who couldn't keep up with the other people joking around he said it was a Chip rip-off. When a character said "that don't make no sense" multiple times (in a black dialect that didn't sound like chip), again it was a chip rip-off. Another time a character was just named "Chip" and Jim said that's not a coincidence. There was another time SNL did a bit about comedy catchphrases and O&A took credit for it until a listener sent them a clip of EastSide Dave doing the same bit years before on Ron & Fez. Each time when another shaky accusation was made against SNL they used as evidence the fact that SNL has been ripping them off for years. But when this Schumer thing comes up it's suddenly a bunch of uninformed fans who don't get comedy grasping at straws.

Jimmy is a worm, only defending Amy so she can cut him from her next movie. Colin is a loyal guy, how else would you explain Grownups 2

good point


I think is would be money over loyalty.

He's a made guy- we don't mess with made guys, thems the rules boy

Besides, Colin doesn't have a history of being a worm like Jim.

Did Colin re-sign when Ant got fired?

Colin is Jesus

CQ is in fallible.

Fucking our sisters, ladies and gentlemen