Gavin on RaceWars

0  2015-10-20 by EskimoEscrow


So now Gavin is banned from the SXM building?

Well, Gavin reads reddit. He pretty much says he knows that we are fucking with Opie.

Kurt tried to make it sound like we are serious about Gavin not being allowed on their shitty podcast.

oooooohh, i get it Opie didn't ban him from the show, he banned him from the whole fucking building....gotcha

People selling Gavin stock in 3...2...1..

I only made it 10 minutes, can't stand Sherrod's laughing.

He yells when he talks. All these guys are yelling over one another. Why are they yelling? Who is pounding the table? This is fucking awful.

Not sure your stance, but that sounds like a convenient excuse to not hear Gavin make an ass out of himself again like he did on JRE.