It might be old but you could have at least told it better....

17  2015-10-20 by disdainmented


I hate how she had to moralize at the end of it. "That's rape!". EWWW. It took all the humor out of it. Her delivery was awful, but I don't entirely blame her.

She's obviously learned through trial and error that her audience needs to know that she's always punching up. There are a lot of people out there that need a smiley to know when somebody is being sarcastic. They make people like Amy successful.

It was AWFUL. I was a Schumer fan for a long time but this weird personality that's emerging, and her white knighting some fat women's movement is WAY hard to too speak It's a bummer

Gimme a break. It was at least a decade old when patrice did it. If not 2.

Right. That's why I said it was old.