Louis ck steals from David Cross

0  2015-10-20 by [deleted]



Yes I'm lovin the new direction of this sub. We need to continue but make sure our targets know that this is Opie's fault.

Weak example. Similar premise, very different execution.

It doesn't have the oomph of the current New Famous Girl stealing comedic material from a dead PoC she was friends with.


Stop trying to find other joke thiefs -
Just like when Cakestomp started trending again, and people in this sub were combing through, looking for other things to get Opie in trouble for - and it didn't work.
Now everyone is looking for other comics who might have stolen material. Just enjoy what we've accomplished with Amy, and think about another approach.
How on earth will Louis stealing from Cross affect Opie in any way?

Now now. You know when stuff like this happens it gets the attention from the "I take everything too far" weirdos and they come flooding in for a few days. Take OP for example. Who the fuck is AsianChip?

I was referring to you genius. Thanks for proving my point.

oh literal opiesux

I'm not suprised, Louie is an unoriginal hack who's mastered the 'aww shucks' genre of comedy. Louie is not funny and is ridiculously UGLY. Not funny ugly, simply hurtful to look at ugly. Don't take my word for it: he says it himself. He's another low brow dipshit comedian like Bill Burr. Bill Burr needs to realize CONSTANTLY SHOUTING in a heavy Boston accent and going on mindless rants isn't funny. I'd rather listen to the silverback gorrila he calls a wife.

Louie's show is garbage and so unoriginal he named it after himself, Louie. First episode: he is telling a joke to an audience. It goes something like "Blah, blah, blah (laughs), Blah, blah, blah (laughs)". Suddenly, he comes out with the way people are dying in Africa (laughs), how that it's happening when there are people driving big cars around (laughs), and how he himself is one of those people (laughs) who could simply sell his car for 10000 dollars (laughs), get a more little one (laughs) and give that money to the people starving to death in Africa (laughs). Not sure if you get what my problem is here. Let me explain: firstly, I can't understand how anybody (except for a bunch of selfish, egocentric individuals) could laugh when they hear a person saying that people are right now starving to death. Where is the joke there? Secondly, anybody who makes a joke out of that and how he is supporting that happening can't be anything but part of that bunch of selfish, egocentric individuals. Is that not a bit disturbing?

That makes me think of those people who go around saying that you just have to laugh at everything, take everything as a joke. The real joke is how those same people don't find funny the bad stuff that happens to them. I can't imagine Louie witnessing how his two little daughters go through an agonizing and torturous death by starvation and saying "hey, let's make a joke out of it!". But, well, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he could even make a joke out of himself starving to death while his body is eating is own stomach due to the lack of anything else to provide any minimal sustenance. I guess he could joke about that for a while, since he seems to have enough fat reserves to go for a while. Sorry, I hope I'm not crossing any lines here by stating the fact that he is fat (by choice, not because he has any thyroid problem). After all, is it not allowed to laugh at everything?

I'm not reading the last half of your gripes, but the problem with saying Louie isn't funny is that there are hours and hours of audio of Louie being off-the-cuff hilarious. Look up Louis bashing Paul O's movie, Patrice for his paranoid negro conspiracy beliefs, Scorch's PFGTV episode with the stripper guest, etc.