
20  2015-10-20 by unclepaul84


Breathtaking, stunning,brave, and above all else. Real.

She probably gets hit on by a lot of black men.

Would ya?


I'll take sloppy seconds. I like fatties and Ive always found her oddly cute.

Yep, in the front seat of a taxi cab.


Most of this sub would love to theoretically one day have sex with a woman. But they can't find the balls.

Whining about amys looks is the closest they get to pussy.

Dude,if everyone who though that bitch was gross was a virgin, our species would be extinct in like two generations. She looks like Dom Deluise fucked a cabbage patch kid. My old lady is a mess but I legitimately find her more attractive than the joke-stealing bacon-wrapped babushka doll you so desperately white knight.

No one cares about a comedians looks that much unless they are painfully insecure. End of story.

I don't think she's hot. But I don't care. No reason to.

You sure do have an odd way of showing apathy. You're on these threads quicker than baldopie on an Opie tweet.

jesus christ, leave him with some dignity left...

That comedian isn't pretty! It's an outrage! You guys are all mouth breathing idiots at best. Closeted wannabe faggots at worst.

Amy's still not going to fuck you

Just because you can't do any better than this repulsive swine, doesn't mean no one else cant.

If you're this hard over this ugly twat, I can't begin to imagine the disgusting slob you're with (note: you're not with anyone, lonely white knight fag).


I prefer my women without balls, thank you very much.

What a dumb way to live your life.

Do ya?

Maybe prefer was the wrong choice of word.

If she cut her hair at ear-level she'd look like a blonde wolfboy.

That might be the most disturbing thought in all of this. Amy with short hair. If she's really feeling her femi oats she might only be a few years out.

She could pass as Tonya Harding's uglier twin sister

She's got that big Neanderthal-Jew face.

Neanderthal jews put lily pads on their heads for kappas.


ass out hug

Eat her ass out, then hug.

Screamin 'thug til I die,' before I pass out

May he whom wouldn't jizz on her face cast the first stone.

casts first stone

She looks like Indiana Jones gave the Holy Grail to Hilary Clinton.

"This is the cup of a joke thief."

most would in real life, I would, but this is the internet and on the internet that is 0.1/10

She is starting to reach Lena Dunham level slobbishness.

Her next career stop is getting caught eating out Ellen Degeneres,, and proclaiming her hardcore militant dyke causes.

I'm not going to lie, I would watch a video of her eating out Ellen Degeneres.

I laughed when only 1/4 of the picture had loaded, it was like catchphrase

Long in the tooth, wide in the face.

I bet she accumulates a lot of ass sweat

I gagged

She looks like a late 80s WWF wrestler.

What's going on with her teeth?

They're not wrapped around a hoagie or Jaeger bottle

They're DRRYYY



Chewbacca looking mother hucker


C'mon, guys... She's pretty fuckin' HOT for a Cabbage Patch Kid.

It's amazing that someone who works in entertainment would think it's acceptable to not take care of themselves like this. Especially someone who is already naturally very ugly. Its shocking. It has to be that Jewish entitlement.

Wow are you serious? Do 31 year olds actually say shit like this?

What does age have to do with calling out a celebrity???

Calling out? You sound like one of those tmz videos


Is she really jewish? I've never heard her make jew jokes.