Ant hasn't got a co-host so that he can hire Norton when O&J inevitably falls apart

27  2015-10-20 by AlcoholicA1



Ant has nothing to offer Jim.

yeah, a no holds barred, completely uncensored broadcasting forum. Without fear of gregshell or the requirement to be his boot licker is nothing to offer at all

Then we are all in agreement - he has nothing to offer Jim.

It's not. He's a standup, he has twitter and all that bullshit. Jim wants money, exposure and opportunity. Anthony has nothing to offer Jim except for helping Anthony to make more money.

for the certain lump sum of contract money, staying w opie was the right move. For exposure, opportunity and the potential of real "Fuck You" money. He should of not of sign on as the sidekick to the "broad ops morning zoo", or join TAC. But leave the shattered remains of the O&A nest and ventured out on his own.

He's been trying to venture out forever. Out doesn't want him.

He would have some ant hills to trudge though.

It's a podcast. He'd make no money.

"no holds barred"....ahahahahahah

Jimmy doesn't want to work with Ant. He wants to move up in show business, not down. They're not best friends irl, they're two guys that enjoy each other's company at work but never really hang out off the clock.

implying he wouldn't do the show if it paid decently

The worm isn't moving anywhere in show business. Your point is moot.

I said he 'wants' to. Like anyone with eyeballs, I know he's totally unsuited for television or film.

To tell you the truth I hate Norton as much as tits these days.

Imagine saying that 5 years ago.

Agreed, its over. Jim isnt even interested in being funny anymore. Last time he was on Ant's show he did the whole "PC College Kids have a point."

yeah, I was waiting for the punchline. Which sadly was, there wasn't one. I don't even think yimmy believes it, himself. But this is the shit you have to say, if you want to move up in the liberal controlled entertainment business.

Yeah, because I'm sure Ant's show will be doing swimmingly after O&J inevitably falls apart.

Ant hasn't gotten a cohost because nobody has agreed to cohost his show yet. He said himself that he tried to get Jimmy if Jimmy was leaving Opie and Jimmy didn't. He tried to get East Side Dave but Dave didn't want to leave his radio show to gamble on a start-up podcast. He tried to get Ron Bennington but Ron said no thanks and stuck with Sirius. It isn't as easy as just telling somebody "you're my cohost now and here is what I'm paying you."

ron re-signed with sxm so he can get his boring daughter in the biz

Ron didn't want to work with Keith because he realized that Keith the cop is a blithering idiot.

He never said that he wanted ESD as his co-host, only that he wanted ESD on the network or to be part of the show on some level.

That likely meant ESD as a producer and/or doing the Davey Mac Sports Program on the network.

Keep dreaming. Fantasies are fun

Dave Smith doesn't have a full time job so he can be Ant's co-host when Jim Norton inevitably passes on it.

Dave or Luis would be good and affordable. I think Ant is trying to wait on somebody that would bring more subscriptions in, an Artie Lange or a Ron Bennington. That doesn't seem very likely to happen, though.

Great two brown people going off about the plot of the white man for 2 hours.

This doesn't even give me a semi.

O&J is a decrepit building that has fallen in on itself. It'll stand forever, much to the annoyance of everyone in the community.

where is Ant going to magically get the money to afford to pay jimmy tho?

jim would just focus on standup and auditions/acting

even if, too late, they lost me long time ago.

No way he gives up that paycheck. As long as there's a show he'll be there. And I don't blame him.


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I wish, but Ant Jimmy has no reason to join up with Ant. No way Ant can match Jimmy's pay, no way Ant has access to the networking/exposure Jim has on the radio, and finally, Jim Norton is literally addicted to embarrassing himself in front of superior people to ask for pictures like a fucking fetish.

Bullshit, he can't afford Jimmy. Gavin and LOS are working for the exposure. Keith is the only one Anthony is paying, TACS doesn't have a payroll you fucking idiots.

Working with Tits has become a career detriment. I don't think Jim foresaw the backlash being this bad. If he re-upps after all the drama that has occurred, it will be a huge disappointment to many of his fans. No doubt Anthony would make him a financial partner if he jumped to TACS. Hopefully that will occur.

No doubt Anthony would make him a financial partner if he jumped to TACS.

I doubt it. Opie and Anthony kept their syndication bonuses a secret from Jimmy for years. Money is more important to Anthony (and 99% of us) than friends.

You make a good point, but Ant needs Jimmy to continue to grow TACS. The old terrestrial show was already established before Jim came aboard. And if Jimmy was screwed out of money in the old days, that's a Tits thing. Ant doesn't operate like that.