Amy Schumer borrowed another major bit from Patrice

5  2015-10-20 by aftershave

When I checked Twitter and saw the accusations of Amy stealing Patrice's bit I thought it's the one where she talks about women's age. Nope. It's the last part where she reaches into an obscure standup to steal her material.

The other premise that she stole, which seems more fucked, is the one where she talks about the age difference between 20 and 30. Go watch Elephant in the Room and then check Amy's riff on the same subject.

To paraphrase, Amy asks the audience "Make some noise if you're 40, if you're 30, and then 20." Then she comments "Can you hear the 20 year olds? They sound full of hope."

Patrice's line: "I bet you your pussy tastes like hope."

This is pretty much lifted from Patrice's EITR special. Did anyone else notice this?


She's also fat. I know that was a Patrice thing.

And no one ever hated him for his weight. I wonder why? Insecure faggots? No, it couldn't be that.

I wish she'd steal his last bit.

Fat, old, bald, pock-marked, disgusting men can still fuck semi-attractive 20 year old idiots... its not too late gentleman!

Keep the hate focused.

Is this in her new special? If so, somebody needs to find the Patrice clip and edit them together.

That way we won't have to sit through her special.


I wish she would borrow his current status from him...

Patrice passed away actually...

Ya kiddin! Oh god love him.

Oh literal carribbeanjimmy!


She probably has diabetes too. That's the bit!

Jesus, you are really grasping at straws here.

They both said hope. I get it, I think you're trying to say the controversy is bullshit, but I actually have heard Louis CK do a very similar bit. Here it is.

Edit: shitty link.