Mark Normand's cakestomp joke kills the Opster's mood

66  2015-10-20 by FunkyTreasure


You can almost hear the Greggshells cracking.

I had to check and make sure my audio didn't cut out or youtube was buffering. You can just tell they know he will fire them if they laugh. Sterns people never even walked on eggshells like that.

After all the time he spent "revealing" Howard to the people,turns out the OPSTER is possibly worse.

Won't see him no more.

He's got Tuesday with stories on the network now. Tits needs his guys bro.

Seriously these podcasts jumping on Sirius are the best, when I listen to podcasts I just want more over site and rules, I mean that is what we all love don't we, when our favorite comedians censor themselves to get on a dying channel.

that's not what we love at all

No way managements all in with these new podcasts.

"Hashtag, Opie Radio!" Love and miss Fezzie. He made all this happen. He the real hero

Fez in his heyday was a demolisher. Literally orders of magnitude faster and funnier than Opie ever was.

Tits needs his guys bro.

All he's ever had was the power to not book people. What if he needs THEM more than they need him?

I want to see Rich Vos on that day. I want to hear what vile shit has been brewing in that Jew's ancient brain.

love Vos

You could hear a pin drop. And he moves on by talking about his wife texting him about "the kitchen thing". Tits is a lesbian lady.

& that huge fake laughter at himself after he brings it up... Jesus Christ.

I hate those even more than the greggshells. Maybe because his opinion of himself is what justifies the greggshells to him in the first place.

And it's an extension of greggshells, since giving his line a zero when he's laughing constitutes cracking the shells.

Remember when him and Sam did the "Lil Scorch" bit?

I always thought that was Sam shitting on Opie without him realizing it lol.

it's nauseating. And the fake laughter from the group after he says "They're probably telling him not to do our show!"

*cake stomp

How could anyone possibly enjoy themselves there?

It feels like everyone else in the room is being held hostage.

Opie is literally that kid from the Twilight Zone who everyone had to be nice around or he'd wish them into the cornfield.'s_A_Good_Life.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20090818063230

Or the one who lived in the Tom and Jerry house and made his sister's mouth disappear.

woww that got a fucking 0. those greggshells.

Trump junior is so annoying. We get it, you're a regular guy

"Well I mean listen -"

Just your regular billionaire who (look he grew up doing this alright) knows about "building stuff and sheet rock" (you start from the bottom- up BTW).

Even with that kind of architectural gravitas - I'll tell ya - those kid's toys are something else.

This attention whoring moron tweets to his six year old son:

"Hey, we're a family of builders, ya know?"


2015-10-02 21:35 UTC

Happy 4th birthday to my little man Tristan. @MrsVanessaTrump and I love you very much!

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Killer kitchen line Opester. Nice sell with the laugh, solid radioing.

I realize I'm asking the wrong crowd, but every time someone post one of these videos lately it's anywhere from an hour to 90min of this shitshow and the post is referencing one specific thing and there is no timestamp. I don't know why this is the new thing or why I am the asshole for requesting one. I am seriously begging for an answer. I am all in with the hater agenda and just want to follow along without wasting 99% of my hour sifting for one line. If it is literally in the beginning of the clip I apologize. I tap out after about three words from the Opester's obligatory cornball intros.

Edit: ok, I suffered through to the 19sec mark and heard it. All I can say is this should totally legitimize my hater-Cred as proof that I cannot stand the Opester beyond 3-5 seconds willfully.

It's within the first 15 seconds

I know now. Read the end of my post.



If you want a visual of the room when cakestomp is mentioned just picture those shots in that Downfall scene in between Hitler's rants where people are nervously glancing at each other, too afraid to speak.

Haha, there should totally be a remake of Downfall set in the station with Opie as Hitler.

On a side note, imagine Opie was your dad, surely there should have been an injunction to prevent him from ever reproducing, the poor kids

it's going to be a depressing day in the Hughes household when lil Hudson sees Harry the Cocksucker :(

can't wait for the day that Stupid realizes that his 12 year old son doesn't even respect him

Fuck, the fake laughs about assembling kid's toys.

This isn't a show, it's new neighbours having polite, tedious conversations at a BBQ.


yep,don't mention that fuckin cake.

The cake is a lie, PERIOD

haha wow

That was hilarious. How does Norton control himself? I know hes a worm and he knows his place and all, but spur of the moment funny, laughter is involuntary. What a couple jitbags.

Because the fear of Greggshells has been instilled in him for so long that it also has become involuntary. Like a trained dog at the sight of a master's raised hand.

An embarrassingly obvious elephant in the room.

I didn't hear Roland in that clip.

Definitely cringeworthy. I got the sense Mark was looking around the room, confused, "I don't get it. What's the problem? Don't we make jokes on this show?"

On a side note, what really grinds my gears about Opie is that you have Gavin Mcinnes insulting you on a huge platform like Joe Rogan Experience and he doesn't even address it. This guy's calling you a dim-witted fool who is too slow to keep up with funny people. I mean, what a pussy. Hello!? Mcfly? If Gavin was saying this shit about me, I'd at least address it publicly. Throw a few shots in his direction.

If gavin was saying this shit about me

You wouldn't do shit because you'd be a torpid sloth in such a scenario.

The term "torpid sloth" is superfluous. A sloth, by it's very nature is torpid. It's like saying he's a "gay faggot." He should have just called Opie a sloth. What I find pathetic is that the O&A show would immediately bring up Gavin if he was slinging mud at the Opster. It would happen at the top of the show and they would goof on him. Now, they just ignore it like it didn't happen.

The new direction of the show is forced laughter guys having fun. Rocking the boat with negativity isn't what management wants and Opie is now a hand puppet of management.

Stop being a gay faggot.

is there an F5? (room goes silent)

Id pay top dollar. I've listened 4 times already.

drops fork

WOW, the laughs Opie got for saying "they're probably telling him not to do our show" was more painful to listen to than the complete nonresponse he gave Normand

oooh buoy

So zany! A conversation about putting together kid toys!!! What does the wife think about this?? I can relate guys! Man this radio is funny

This is a perfect example of hearing air get sucked out of the room.. Oof..

Fucking Christ, this show is beyond abysmal. Somebody should fly a plane into that floor.


I wish it was factual to take mood out of that sentence and it'd be accurate.


I thought this would be another clip that was made out to be worse than it was, but that was just awful


Timestamp please?

zero seconds

I'm pretty sure they just weren't listening...

The cake is a lie, PERIOD