It's official: Opie has cucked Rogan

0  2015-10-19 by AlimonyKills

Expect any mentions of Opie to be cut, if it's ever released at all.


That's not what cucked means!

People in this sub misuse "SJW" and "whiteknight" also. It's adorable. Like children immitating their Daddy.

Shut up



Rogan's wife cucked Rogan. Opie and Rogan are brothers in cuckoldry.

Say it ain't so, Joe



Why did it take so long to go up? This guy is a fucktard, but he might be onto something.

I got no time to listen ATM, so if someone who heard the original, can confirm or deny if it was sanitized. So I can insult the OP, or give him props for being right and shit on Mr. ONNIT (thats O-N-N-I-T), it would be much appreciated.

I feel a need to insult someone though.

It's the same .

Thank you sir.

I cannot wait to listen tomorrow. I like Gavins and Rogans shows.

I just cannot help myself shitting on those awful Onnit ads.

Oh yeah, almost forgot, OP is a fucking asshole, and should die in a sarin gas attack in a post office.