Steve C talked about

19  2015-10-19 by Dennyislife

Was talking about jimmys cribs on youtube when steve c was brought up. Sherrod asked how he died.

Room goes quiet as Jimmy tells Opie "They all know what he did"


Yesssssss I killed myself.

Thats terrible. Im sorry.

You're in MY fucking COFFIN!

How'd your producer die?

He swung like a pendulum.

Now I really am a man of leisure

Ramone......bring me a topic to stop the show and make everyone uncomfortable

Above all else....real...

Cock meat.....nothing but cock meat!

If you listen back to old XM days, you hear Steve talkin about committing suicide pretty regularly. Creepy shit.

Himself committing suicide or just the topic?

In one bashing clip he says something like "i'd never kill myself, they don't deserve the pleasure." or something like that. Looking back it's not that big of a surprise now.

In his sleeeeap?

We should long con Opie into thinking he's being haunted by the ghost of Steve C.

remember when Opie swears that his dad's ghost was haunting him because the lights in the studio blinked when he mentioned him?

Love ya, miss ya, brother!

Opie is a fucking tool.

Well I think it was both Opie and Anthony talking about their dead dads when it happened so it wasn't just Opie's narcissism.

Buhh buhbuh buhbuhbuh alright

When? Todays show?

I could never figure out if they never truly talked about it because his wife requested it, or if they felt partly responsible. I'm leaning towards the latter but Opie's delusional personality makes me doubt it.

Opie basically caused it. Steve, for years, was the only one collecting videos from the show. So when O&A go to get that collection Steve did the smart thing and charged them. Opie threw one of his fits and eventually got steve fired. His life spiraled into depression and we know how it ends. There is a clip of Opie talking about how mad he is on the air and how it's over between them an so forth.

opie can't resist an opportunity to save a few pennies.

But in this case it was sirius or fm that flipped the bill. He's a douche

Nice revisionist history that's going down here. That's not what happened at all. This is what Steve C. Posted on his Facebook after being fired:

"Ha. I guess it wasn't very cryptic at all. The company terminated my position. I was not replaced. While I'm not thrilled, it was as amicable a departure as could be. I have spoken to all of the guys since, and everyone was very kind. I have received some very encouraging calls from a lot of people who I've worked with over the years, and everyone is being quite helpful and supportive. No bad blood at all. Through all the bickering, that group was my family for the better part of 12 years."

You're essentially making things up. Opie doesn't have the power to fire anyone from SXM. He's contracted talent. That is it. The company didn't want Steve C. If they wanted him they would have moved him elsewhere within the company, but what in the fuck is the point of having an executive producer that plans on taking Mondays off for the foreseeable future? He planned on using over 50 days of vacation. He essentially proved himself useless to the company. Opie had nothing to do with it. No one else on that staff planned on using their carry over vacation days from XM before the merger. Which is why he had so many. That's why Steve was the first to go.

Isn't this worse than stomping on a cake?

Several times worse, but we don't have video of it.

What was their problem with Steve? As far as I know he did more for the show than almost every employee there. Even going as far as paying his own money to host a website that had hours of video content and countless images. This was back when bandwidth fees were high as fuck. They really owe a lot to him, but in turn treated him like garbage.

I will always contend that Opie is partially responsible for Steve C's death.

Ma jaw dropped ta ma toes I got no lips no mo'

(maggots in muh mouth) (maggots in muh mouth)

Steve C zombie nigguh

Then Sherrod said "you know steve c was white because a brotha would never shoot he self"

Yessssssss, Ramone brought me my noose.

The show was never really the same when Steve C was fired. He not only provided great material for Ant and Jimmy but he was a damn good producer.

How'd your producer die?

hang crack grunt

Th-thats terrible I'm sorry.

Steve's fat body was swinging back the other waaaaay!

I'm glad he killed himself.

Is what your mother hopes she could say every morning, but you continue to be nothing but a disappointment.

Too wordy.

Edgy McColumbine, right on time.

Just a -100 account. Fucking douche.

I love it when another males call me a "douche" or an "asshole", because subconsciously you're calling me your superior.

You know how males talk to inferior males? "Faggot", "bitch" or "pussy".

Asshole or douche means "you're being mean to me because I'm weak, please stop being mean".

No stupid, it just means you are a douche.

You're too kind

Fuck off loser.

How'd your producer die?

Too wordy.

Several times worse, but we don't have video of it.