Gavin McInnes on the Joe Rogan Experience #710

0  2015-10-19 by JoeCumiaSr


There's a thumbnail retard

This person is a troll account. The fact that you can see the thumbnail and it being such a bad attempt made it funnier to me.

Our own personal Chippa he is

are you fucking retarded?

HAHAHAHAHA!!! such a bad attempt at a Rick Roll

I can see the thumbnail. Also the basketball show would be way funniee

ugh, really?


Good one chip

I clicked it anyway. Love a bit of Rick Astley.

Never gonna give you up

Hi Opie!

Wait...turn this off, turn this off. I got an idea it'll be fukkin hilarious. You say, "duz anyone have the Joe and Gavin video?" And I'll be like "yeah, right here sock cuckkah!" And then I'll rickroll them right in the fukkin cootahs. Ok ok, turn it back on. Alright we're back, what was that you were saying about a video?

"Uh, does anyone have the Joe an-"

Yeah I got it right here you fukkin peece a gahbidge!

Wow you fucked that one up, you dummy.

i hope everyone you love dies slowly

Gavin looks like Rick Astley when he shaves.

Your Momma

Buried all you cocksuckers

Never gonna give you up