CQ appreciation thread!

20  2015-10-18 by smokinswindler

during these dark and awful stangel-produced times its important to try and stay positive. so wave at a postman. make melancholy eye contact with a stranger. flush an apple down the toilet. and post your favorite CQ moment, or dont! #IDGAC.


One of my favorites is a when Col phoned in to interrupt Jockotber because of Tweet written by as he put it "a 15 year old girl". It was Jimmy's vague tweet about the most disappointing day of his life. Turns out it was just a missed photo opportunity and Col screamed "I'll kill you" when Jimmy gave his reason.

I wonder how big of a whiny fag Jimmy would be if Colin hadn't yelled at him for two decades.

Hahaha, I remember this! Anyone have a link to the audio?

Rub a stranger's shoulders. Whistle a mournful song at an ugly woman. Throw a paper airplane at a muslim praying. Offer some of your potato chips to people on the subway. Crash a funeral. Shoot furtive glances at underage girls. Meditate in front of an escalator. Glower pensively at pregnant women. Litter a grass clearing. Serenade a dying elderly stranger in a hospital.

Col spilling his soda on TACS is a great moment.

Bobby looks like a last minute gift at the Beijing airport.

That is genius ball-busting.

Otherwise, Colin calling Patrice a tribal king in Jersey city followed around by thirty black open mic-ers, any time he was around Bobo, his constant snipings of Vos and Yimmy are just a few of my favourites. He's always been the co-GOAT of this show with Patrice.

"My benefits didn't come through" 😀

Colin calling out jimmy on his pseudo intellectualism is my favourite rant. Bonus: Opie bombs with a non sensical line and everyone ignores him.

notice opie in the back ground talking about crayons haha

The classics -back Alley Tunisian knife fighter, Corsican pimp. Colin & intern David, Colin's glee at Kosher Sports. Colin yelling at Vos "pick up the pace Stupid". Annoyed Colin with anyone. Colin & Patrice.😁


Lady Di trying to fuck him repeatedly

The King of O&A

No competition

Describing Lady Di and Marion as a baseball bat of banality just walking into the building and cracking skulls.

He's the most underrated guest on O&A. Everyone talks about Burr, Patrice, Louis, he's on their level.

The ruler of Daytona beach?

CQ: Anthony looks like he should be on the Marseille waterfront in the 1960s

I like when Ricky Gervais was in studio, and didn't know who Colin was. When he called in to talk about his bomb in at the Deniro party, he said something like "ohhhh an I supposed to care that RICKYYYY GERVAISSS doesn't know who I am?" Ricky didn't really get it because he didn't know Colin's humor just yet. Not many people are better than CQ


Anthony looks like a Tunisian knife fighter.

During the last year of O&A when the show was pestering Di to get off her ass and get a job, Colin told her not to be bullied by them and take some off of the job search for some time for herself....

And the CQ vs Rich Vos 2part YT compilation John Berry released this month was on point.

I think the worst thing about the current state of O&A or TACS or anything involved with the old show is that we hear from people like Colin so rarely. The shows with great comics were the real reason O&A was such a big deal to me. And when we do hear from people like Colin, it's just not the same.

People like Burr and Louie wouldn't come on even if Ant was still around, and their appearances wouldn't be as great as they once were anyway. But add the fact that we don't get great appearances from CQ, Vos, Bobby, etc. anymore and it just kind of bums me out. I like LoS, Race Wars, Bennington, the Bonfire, even TACS when it has a good guest, but O&A in its prime was just a guaranteed good time when a great comic was coming in, and that's something I just feel like I'm chasing now when I listen to these shows.

When Bawby was wearing a hood he said that he looked like a hippo that is in the middle of being born.

On TCWCQ when they came back from their last commercial and Colin told the audience that he and Lil Kev were having a conversation and then proceeded to make "click clack" noises with his mouth and wag his finger in his face. Kevin responded with "Why don't you just throw a spear at me next time Col, god damn". Colin then stated "You look like a little bushman, what's the problem?"


I always enjoyed the segments where CQ was shitting on Tits, Zits, & Worm for being phonies around the people they interview.

If someone could link those to me, I'm too lazy to move my wrist half an inch & search for it myself.

I wonder how big of a whiny fag Jimmy would be if Colin hadn't yelled at him for two decades.

Hahaha, I remember this! Anyone have a link to the audio?