This is Why Opie Should Ingest Ricin.

3  2015-10-18 by mattyp3


Opie when you have to tell people constantly what you do and how good you are I think you missed the real point - no one likes you, you don't contribute, you are a waste of space no talent. People (including fans, crew, other radio hosts and execs) wouldn't be calling you a board op for 15 years if not true you hack.

Also he's shit to work with. Everyone who has worked with him has shit on him. His only employable quality is he kisses management's ass and is good at selling himself to people like himself, IE douchey white "business" guys who would have a pony tail if it were an option (ME: The Brotha Weaaaaase.)

He's unfunny, but he also STOPS funny.

His self-importance and cockiness makes him so much worse though.

UGH. This is fucking enraging, what a piece of shit. Push the button, cunt.


Ricin..tssk...what about rice out or sumthin.

so not only do you listen to every single minute of every live show, but you spend the rest of your day going through old show to find things to be annoyed at?

you are a pathetic person.

You mad, bro?

not in the least, but thank you for your concern.

So mad.

I've always thought that account is Opie or his brother. Sounds just like him. So yea, he mad.

No one is listening to the new show. There's a few hanger's on out of habit or for Jimmy. The rest listen for free to make fun of Tits. Doesn't matter it won't be around much longer anyway.

no one listens, except for the obsessed idiots on this sub, apparently.

and this new lemming-minded thought that the show won't be around much longer has the same legitimacy as the absolute failure that was jocktober.

ok Hughes. You're right no one listens cept maybe 3 nuts here. Shows over. Got another year of that drivel at the most. Maybe they'll let Bam take over Opie's studio.


More like, he listens to an awesome show called O&A that's interrupted occasionally by a no talent autistic.

Jocktober produced and is continuing to produce funnier shit than Opie has. Keep trying to run with story that it failed, angry lil bitch boy. Maybe log onto another account and agree with yourself, Elmo Hughes.

So mad.